Skills and Thrills
Showcase for parents of students from Years 9 to Year 12 - Helping parents to assist their children in making informed decisions surrounding post school pathways
The Skills and Thrills careers showcase is an engaging, informative and entertaining showcase, created to highlight vocational education and training (VET) and the success stories that emanate from VET pathways. The Careers Showcase will help parents better understand vocational pathways, including apprenticeships, traineeships and school-based apprenticeships and training and give parents the knowledge they need, to help their children make informed careers choices post high school.
We encourage you to attend with your high school aged children. All local high schools have also been invited to attend the Skills and Thrills Showcase. Seating numbers have been capped at 300. To secure your place at this event, attendees must register as soon as possible via the online registration link-
Through the showcase, parents and students will learn about the following;
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- TAFE/ Private Training Providers
- Funding options available (Smart and Skilled)
- In school options (SBAT's)
- Where to find information
- Who can assist/ resources available
- Opportunity to speak with parents and students who have chosen/ who’s child has chosen a VET pathway (Q&A)
- The Skills and Thrills showcase will be held on Thursday 27th June at 6:00pm to 7.30pm at Cecil Hills High School in the gym.
M Reid, Careers Adviser