Where are they now?
Name: Shera Ann Tiongan
Year graduated: 2001
During high school, I had several interests and participated in a significant number of extracurricular activities at school however, I had no idea of what I wanted to be when I “grew up”! This so called “lack of direction” stressed out my parents. As first-generation migrant parents, they encouraged me to go university and they ultimately wanted me to pursue a secure and stable government job.
After high school, I got accepted into the University of Western Sydney (now Western Sydney University) and I started studying a Bachelor of Nursing. I lasted only one semester! During my first practical placement, as I stood in the corridors of an aged cared hospital for mentally ill patients and shown self-defence moves for my protection from the “physically aggressive patients”, I realised that nursing was not for me. After taking a few months off and doing some soul searching, I learnt that I still wanted to help people but in a different way. I decided to study law.
I now run my own company and law firm based in Liverpool. I specialise in Family Law and help people who are separating or are getting divorced, with their legal problems primarily with the division and/or protection of their assets.
It has been a challenging yet rewarding journey to get to this point in my career. I was required to study for six (6) years at University for two degrees and a graduate diploma, and then after graduation I had to work 12+ hour days, nearly every day for several years in a challenging, primarily male dominated and cut throat environment, to elevate myself on the career ladder.
While I had reached a peak in my career, I still wasn’t truly happy. I was severely burnt out and I had neglected all other aspects of my life on this ambitious career drive. Despite all the warning signs, I continued to push myself. Then late one night after another long day at work, I had a near death accident at Wynyard Station that landed me in the Intensive Care Unit at St Vincent’s Hospital, followed by several months of intense rehabilitation to learn how to walk again. The accident was a blessing in disguise as it was the triggering event that forced me to take time off from work and to re-evaluate my life.
As they say, “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger”. Following the accident, I had a new zest for life and learnt that I needed to have a balanced lifestyle if I truly wanted to be a happy person. I had to make a change in my life and that change involved me resigning from a secure, highly paid, corporate job at this top national law firm, to pursue the biggest yet riskiest opportunity in my career. Today I can say that it was the best decision I had made for both my career and for my personal life.
I am proud of achieving my career goals including:
- Graduating from University with two degrees, Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business, as well as a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice.
- Quickly rising to an Associate level at a top national law firm.
- Opening my own company and law firm.
Opening my own company back in the local neighbourhood of Liverpool has been an extremely rewarding experience as I am finally able to give back to the community where it all started for me.
On a personal level, the company has given me the gift of flexible work arrangements and financial freedom to pursue other interests in life such as traveling and exploring the world.
Special memories from school?
- Being one of the inaugural Year 7 students when the school first opened in 1996.
- Being one of the inaugural Year 12 graduates in 2001.
- End of year award ceremonies – I liked getting awards.
- The Year 12 formal.
To all the teachers and staff during my time at Cecil Hills High School, thank you for your dedication, endless creativity and passion in teaching even the most inherently driest subjects. Thank you for all your support, and for encouraging me to always do better. Thank you for nurturing my strengths and developing my weaknesses. I am truly grateful.
To the current students of Cecil Hills High School, do not let your current circumstances dictate your future. If I can make it as a first-generation migrant, coloured girl from Western Sydney with public education and with no affluent or corporate connections, any one of you can make it too. The opportunities are there for the taking.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”
- Norman Vincent Peale
Shera Tiongan, Family Law Solicitor & Consultant
Suite 5, 220 Northumberland Street
P: 02 8712 6763