IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia) was celebrated at school on the 14th of May. This day is all about encouraging everyone to be better allies to same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students.

In the weeks leading up to IDAHOBIT, students were asked to think of any questions they may have for their LGBTQI+ peers and offered the opportunity to ask these anonymously via a special link in Compass. The answers will be published on Compass soon!

Students from year 10 wrote pledges on how they plan to be a better ally to their LGBTQI+ peers. These pledges were stuck to a notice board and displayed in the forum in the days leading up to IDAHOBIT.


On the day a fun-filled and busy lunchtime event was run in the forum. It was great to see so many staff and students supporting one another and bringing their festive spirit! We had amazing performances from extremely talented school bands, FREE rainbow sprinkle bread for everyone to enjoy and a sea of happy faces was adorned in rainbow face paint. The exceptional Charlie O’Regan from year 10 delivered a moving speech on the history and significance of IDAHOBIT Day.

Thanks to the SAGA members for their planning and organisation to make this event possible and to all of the staff and students who came to the forum to support their mates. It really shows that this school is committed to making everyone feel safe and included and the vibe on the day was so happy and energetic.


A reminder that there is a unisex toilet available to all students at FCC. It has a red door and is located in the year 9 and 10 lockers area near the senior toilets.


Breakfast club continues to run every Wednesday at 7:30am in the Futures Centre. The volunteers from SUV do a great job of feeding students and staff with their delicious pancakes and it’s always nice to see their friendly faces to start your day!


Jessica Winter - Health Promotion Nurse


On the 13th of June, I attended an excursion called Respectful Relationships Day at Buckley Park College. It was about improving positive bystander behavior in Schools. A positive bystander is a person, who when seeing other people being bullied, acts accordingly. There are four ways that a positive bystander can act: directly- telling the bullying person that what they are doing is wrong, indirectly- asking the target if they are okay afterward or telling a teacher, distracting- changing the topic off the target or distracting the target from feeling victimized, protocol- reminding the bully that there are laws, values or rules in place against bullying. On the day, we had scenarios acted to analyse which way a bystander would positively act and participated in many activities involving the four ways a bystander can act. Overall, it was a really great day and I learned lots. Thanks!

Mia Orchard - Year 7 SRC member