From the School Captains

Welcome back to school for a term two like no other, we hope you all had a restful break and are now beginning to settle into Girton’s Remote Learning.


Online schooling is a new way of learning for all of us, both teachers and students. Because of it our learning arrangements are more flexible, we have a newfound sense of independence, and we are starting to appreciate all of the wonderful things we may have previously taken advantage of, such as seeing our friends at school and having face to face interaction with all of our teachers. 



Upon talking to other students we’ve found that some of our peers are struggling to find the motivation to apply themselves and focus on studies. As year twelves we're finding it really beneficial to be organised and make study schedules to help achieve our goals, because when we achieve our goals we feel accomplished and proud, which will help to ensure we’re in a good position for when we return back to school.


We should all remember it's also important to go outside at recess, lunch and after school; kick the footy in the backyard, play with the dog or go out for a walk to get some fresh air. We have also been studying outside sometimes after school to try and get away from our technology as we are finding looking at a screen all day can be draining. 



Socially, we have been using zoom and other mediums to keep in touch with our friends. We often use social media to communicate which can be a great way to set up study groups and teams, which can also assist our online learning.


Although online schooling may not be ideal for all of us, It’s important to remember things could be much worse and we are lucky to be at a school where we have the opportunity to learn online and still connect with our teachers and peers.



Good luck for your Term Two Remote Learning Endeavours 


Flynn Edwards (12 Millward)

Lucie Griffin (12 Frew)


Some interesting reading for Year 12 students can be found here: