Middle School Report
Middle School Report
Hello and welcome to my first Middle School report for Term 2. I hope that families enjoyed the break and have returned to school refreshed and ready for a strong finish to Semester 1.
I would like to thank Matilda Hardy, Jorjie Coutts and Jaira Donelly-Lynch for representing the Middle school at the Anzac Day ceremony Newborough.
Our Year 10 students will be undertaking exams in a couple of weeks’ time and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them well while advising them to seek as much information/assistance they can from their relevant subject teachers.
As winter approaches can students please adhere to our uniform policy, if for any reason there are issues with being able to do this can you please contact the Middle School office.
We had our first group of work experience students out last week and have received very positive feedback from employers. This is a very important part in shaping their career choices.
At the end of this Term our students will be receiving their Semester 1 reports, I ask that students and parents look at these and use this information to shape the students future learning.
Thank you,
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Leader.