College Updates

Congratulations to our Year 7 and 9 students who completed NAPLAN testing last week. We are very proud of all our students and how they conducted themselves during the tests. Students were focused and demonstrated a positive attitude to succeed and showed a genuine desire to perform to the best of their abilities.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and the positive attitude to want to succeed.”
Well done! No matter what the result, you have done your best.
Outdoor Education
The beginning of term 2 has certainly kept the Outdoor Education students and staff very busy!
Our year 9 students have begun exploring alternative methods of exercise, completing their first of three sessions at Jump and Climb Traralgon. The class will also attend The Hardrock Climbing Company in Nunawading before term’s end.
Year 10s are exploring all things mountain biking, including multiple school-based bike rides and a day trip to Blores Hill Mountain Bike Park. The students are also looking forward to exploring Lysterfield Park and their overnight camp to Blores Hill.
Upcoming experiences to Rubicon Outdoor Centre- Nayook, Arthurs Seat and Mount Baw Baw Alpine Village are sure to keep our Year 11s and 12s focused throughout the coming weeks.
On Thursday May 23rd, Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies classes have spent the day at The Enchanted Adventure Garden. The morning was spent tree surfing, whilst the afternoon left them to get lost in the mazes and go down the giant slide.
Upcoming dates for Outdoor Education:
Friday May 24th- Year 9 Jump and Climb
Thursday May 30th – Friday May 31st- Year 10 MTB Camp Blores Hill
Tuesday June 11th- Year 9 Hardrock Climbing
Monday June 17th- Wednesday June 19th- Year 11OES5 Rubicon Outdoor Centre
Wednesday June 19th – Friday June 21st- Year 11OES3 Rubicon Outdoor Centre
Semester Two
On Friday May 17th, we celebrated IDAHOBIT (The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia), to raise awareness and stimulate interest in the LGBTQI community. Students were encouraged to wear rainbow accessories to show their support.
At lunchtime Karen Thurgood (School Nurse) organised for The Senior School band to preform, students signed a pledge of support, had their faces painted as well as visitors from Headspace, Red Frogs and Street Games with activities for students to participate in.
Earlier in the month, Lowanna College welcomed a visit from the new Head Start Apprenticeship and Traineeship team.
Head Start is a new program that allows students to undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship at the same time undertaking important paid on-the-job training while completing their VCE or VCAL at school.
The program helps students develop their skills and experience that employers value. A Head Start apprenticeship or traineeship helps students get the best start in their career.
Please contact Amanda McMahon, Head Start Coordinator or Kirsty Mitchell, Careers Coordinator at Lowanna College or email: to talk through the various vocational pathway options available within the Head Start program.
Worlds Greatest Shave
We’re taking part in the World's Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation – we’re on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer!
Please sponsor us to give families facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need. You’ll also fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.
Every day another 35 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer. That’s one Aussie every 41 minutes. Although research is improving survival, sadly an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours.
Will you help by sponsoring us?
Please click the button and sponsor our team today!
Earn and Learn
We are excited to be taking part in the 2019 Woolworths Earn & Learn program. During the previous campaign, we were able to purchase some great resources with the points we earned, thanks to you. From now until June 25th 2019, you can collect stickers at Wooloworths that go towards Earn & Learn points. For every $10 you spend at Woolworths (excluding the purchase of tobacco, liquor and gift cards), you will receive a sticker. These stickers can then be given to your children to collect on a special sticker sheet. Once it is completed, they can simply bring it back here to school or you can drop them into your local Woolworths collection box. The more points we earn, the more we can redeem from a choice of over 10,000 educational resources including mathematics and English resources, art & crafts materials and much, much more! We are grateful for your support and look forward to a successful program. If you have any questions, please ask at School.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
An opportunity exists for parents to attend this free two day Youth Mental Health First Aid Training at Lowanna College on the 18th & 19th July. Please contact Karen Thurgood (School Nurse) asap as there are only four positions available. This event is catered for!
Lost Property
We have a number of unmarked, unclaimed grey jackets in lost property, next to First Aid. If your child has lost one please get them to go have a look through Lost Property, as if not claimed within a week, all will be donated to the Wellbeing team.