Europe Trip 

Euro Trip

Lalor Secondary College Year 12 pupil Humeyra Yildiz writes about going on the school’s first Euro Study Tour.

WE TRAVELLED to four of the most breathtaking countries in the world — France, Italy, Greece and Macedonia during the two-week holiday break.

Preparing for this trip was not hard as the excitement overpowered the stress of packing.

Keeping in mind that I would constantly be travelling for two weeks, I had to be smart about what and how I packed.

I learnt a lot about myself on this trip. I became much more independent and more resilient.

This was due to the responsibility I had in relation to holding on to my own money and passport. There are many highlights of this trip, including seeing the history of all four countries, as well as having an amazing bond with teachers and students that I never thought I would have associated with.

While in France we visited the Notre Dame Cathedral before it caught fire.

We were all affected because we saw the beauty of the cathedral and how much it meant to the French.

I encourage all students, who have the opportunity to go on this European tour, to take the chance.

Expression of Interest 2021 Europe Tour