Remote Learning                     experience at school

Written by Kate Willmott


We had approximately 25 students attend onsite during remote learning and all should be very proud of themselves. The way they conducted themselves during the 6 weeks was outstanding. 


They got themselves into a structured routine which allowed them to be focused in the sessions and had a reward to aim for which was a dodgeball competition.  The students were able to participate in a dodgeball competition against the two classes once they had completed three subject's worth of work for the day which was great fun. 


By the time Friday's consolidation day came around, most students had completed all their set work and could have a more relaxed day. It was great to see the attitudes of students change from 'I cant' into 'I can and I did' mentality. 


One moment which stood out during the six weeks were two students that had an English essay to complete. They set themselves achievable goals and surprised themselves with just how much work they can do when they have planned and allowed time to do their best work. They were hesitant about starting the massive workload but ended up producing an essay larger than they thought they were capable of and were proud of themselves. 


Overall the students who attended school during remote learning should be proud of how persistent they were during this unpredicting times. 


Kate Willmott