Life of a refugee

written by Liam Goodman 

Life of a refugee (Fiction)

Written by Liam Goodman  (10B) 




My life used to be great, I had friends and family, now I am on a boat from Japan. I am on a boat, I hear helicopters and jets flying by, I’m worried we will run out of food and water, there is hundreds of people on this boat scared and worried. Hours later we got stopped by a police watercraft, I’m worried sick I don’t want to get caught leaving the country.Now I am off the boat, I hear police talking about a detention camp, I had no idea what they meant by a detention camp but I was worried, now we are moving away from the boat people are worried, I hear people screaming and crying, I want to run but I don’t have anywhere to go.Now that we are on the police boat everyone is scared, now I can see a big island that looks like a jail it has massive barbed wire fences going around it, now I am  super terrified on what will happen to us when we arrive to the camp.We are entering the camp and I want to run but there is nowhere to go, too many guards are around, watching and pointing guns at us. 


It’s been a day since I’ve been here it’s like hell I want to leave. 

Days have gone past, I’m thinking of getting out of here, I’ll wait till sundown and I’ll scope the area... I’ve scoped the area and I think it’s time, I’m going to dig under this fence and get out of here.This fence is deeper then what I thought, I’ll try cut through the wire and climb through, I’m through the fence, I can see guards coming, I need to hide.The guards are gone, now is my time to run. There’s a gap under the next fence I can slide under, I see more guards coming and I can hear sirens, I need to run, I need to distract them but I don’t know how.I hear dogs barking and police yelling, they know I’m out I need to get out now I can’t get caught now.I’ve been seen by the police, I need to run, I’m so close to getting out I cant stop now.


I’ve been caught. 


I don’t want to go back, I hate it there. I guess I’ll try next time.