Senior School Report

What's Been Happening In Senior School
Valedictory Dinner
The Year 12 cohort had the privilege to attend the Valedictory Dinner at Vogue Ballroom in Blackburn on Friday 14 October. It was a fantastic evening to celebrate the end of 13-years of schooling with family, friends and school staff.
The evening was comprised of official speeches, presentations, lots of dancing and laughing throughout the evening. It was a great opportunity to celebrate our achievement in front of our friends and family.
The Valedictory Dinner was a great experience for everyone involved. This event will remain with us for a long time.
Breakfast BBQ and Farewell Assembly
During our last week of our term, before the exam period commenced, the cohort attended the BBQ Breakfast. This was a great opportunity once again for the entire cohort and staff to get together to share the Valedictory Dinner experiences and to reflect on the school year.
This day concluded with a whole school assembly with each Year 12 student acknowledged for their achievements throughout the secondary schooling.
A special thanks to all the teachers who have supported all of the Year 12 students through our secondary school journey at Scoresby Secondary College.
This isn’t a farewell, as everything we’ve experienced will remain with us for many years.
Sam Dhillon
College Captain
Year 12
“A day well lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope.”
Indian proverb
This Indian proverb recently led me to reflect on our graduating Class of 2022. I commend all our wonderful Year 12 students on how they celebrated and connected at the end of a long year, and I’m incredibly proud of the manner in which they demonstrated, modelled and amplified our college values.
I now wish those who undertook their final exams the best of luck for their results but remind them that their ATAR does not define them. What defines them is the choices they make daily and the way they treat themselves and others!
Year 10 & Year 11
Our Year 10 and Year 11 students have recently completed their Headstart program. This was an opportunity for them to meet their teachers and prepare our students for the big step into 2023.
All students have received holiday homework to be completed by the first day back. We celebrated their final day with an assembly and BBQ. Year 10 students received awards for high growth in Numeracy and Reading PAT as well as attendance awards. We also had some outstanding musical performances by our students, which were well received by their peers. We wish all our students a safe and happy holiday, refreshed for 2023.
Year 9 to 10 Transition Days
Our Year 9 students going into Year 10 in 2023, participated in a two-day Transition Program to gain a better understanding of what being part of Senior School entails.
Students participated in workshops where they were introduced to Senior School learning and attendance requirements, set goals for the following year, and participated in team-building programs. Students also spent time learning about work experience and career action planning. We are looking forward to having our current Year 9 students join the Senior School in 2023.
Key Dates 2023
Monday 30 January 2023
Year 7 and Year 11 & 12 students (including Year 10 students who are studying a Year 11 subject)
commence Term One
Tuesday 31 January
Years 8, 9, 10 students commence Term One
Monday 6 – Tuesday 7 February 2023
Year 12 Residential - Ormond College
Ms Michelle deBoer
Head of Senior School
Year 10 City Experience
This year, we were very fortunate to go on City Experience. It was a great week for us to explore and familiarise ourselves with our city of Melbourne, something many of us don’t get to do much of. We learnt new skills such as how to interview successfully. We had practice face to face interviews with mentors from Energy Australia and Blue Scope Steel.
We saw and experienced many new things. Some of the activities we enjoyed included rock climbing, shopping at the Melbourne Market, and attending ‘Road to Zero’ to learn more about road safety.
We immersed ourselves in artwork and took many fun photos at Artvo. We watched a 3D film on the giant screen at IMAX and had a tour of the Old Melbourne Gaol. The ‘eat all you can’ pizza lunch was awesome.
The banquet lunch at the Chinese restaurant was splendid! According to David, the chicken ribs were above average, and he enjoyed them the most.
We appreciated the independence that we were given. This helped us to build our confidence with travelling in and out of the city daily, walking and / or using public transport to get from one place to another.
Thanks to all the teachers who came along and helped to make this a fun week.
David Grace and Jordan Carter
Year 10
Be Wise. Think Carefully. Act Kindly
Recently, our Year 9, 10 and 11 students attended a ‘Be Wise’ presentation by the Pat Cronin Foundation.
The Pat Cronin Foundation was established by Matt and Robyn Cronin in memory of their 19 year-old son who died from a coward punch, on a night out in Diamond Creek, in 2016.The presentation informed students about Pat and his story, teaching students to reflect on attitudes and behaviours around anger and aggression.
Students learnt about the impact of violence and coward punches and how they can become part of the solution to end the coward punch.
This presentation empowers students to be equipped with the self-reflection skills and knowledge they need to ‘Be Wise’ and make wise life choices.
Ms Vicki Manioudakis
Year 10 Coordinator