
Careers News
Over the last weeks as students prepared and completed exams and finalise subjects, we have been working with all year levels to complete individual career action plans, for some students in Junior School. This is a new experience for them and for others it is a valuable ongoing process to record their years experiences and achievements and to make some goals for 2023 and beyond.
For Parents and Carers being involved in your student’s Career and Pathway (CAP) conversation is very valuable, so please speak to you student about their CAP and future interests and contact me if you would like information or resources to support and inform these conversations.
We have also been working on creating digital portfolio’s, a valuable resource for student to record and upload things that throughout the year they have achieved and created, this is a valuable tool to keep things that are special and valuable to each student. These can be used in a wide variety of settings for example when applying for leadership roles, employment, volunteering opportunities, tertiary applications and more.
VET orientation took place last week for many students and is coming up for others either online or on campus, please be sure to check your emails and respond to anything that comes from your VET provider, if you are unsure, please email or call at the school, and I can answer your question or find out for you.
Feedback from students has been positive, however If students have attended a VET orientation and feel it is not the right course, or when you start and have any concerns please contact me immediately, because students only attend once a week and often at different venues – being a TAFE or external Secondary School and we need to be sure to get onto any queries and concerns quickly.
We wish all our Year 12 students well in the coming release of their results, course preference and change of preference time and look forward to seeing them at school on Monday December 12 at 11.00 am for a special morning tea to acknowledge their handwork and support them on their journey.
Below is some general Careers news, I am also attaching a change of preference document that is mostly related to current Year 12 students, however it is a great idea for Year 11 students to have a look to see if there is anything you would like to join or attend, go ahead, it is great preparation for 2023
Happy and safe festivities and holidays to all
Best wishes
Ms Bronwyn Haines
Careers Advisor
Accessing VCE Results & ATAR
VCE study scores, ATAR and VTAC Scaled Study Scores will be available to students via the Results and ATAR website and the Results and ATAR app on Monday 12 December 2022 at 7.00 am. Students will receive a statement of VCE study scores from the VCAA, and those who applied for courses through VTAC this year and for those who have paid their VTAC processing fees, you will be sent an ATAR statement in the mail.
Students who wish to receive their results online, will need to register at Results and ATARbefore results are released.
Registrations are already open, and students are encouraged to register soon.
Note - To register, students need their VCAA student number and will be requested to choose a secure password on registering.
Tuckwell Scholarship for 2024
Australian National University(ANU) launched the Tuckwell Scholarship Program in 2013. The Tuckwell Scholarship Program at the ANU is the most transformational undergraduate scholarship program in Australia. A Tuckwell is not just about a students’ intellect. It is also about their desire and determination to use their natural abilities to realise their full potential so that they can make a difference in the world. All up one could say, this is no ordinary scholarship!
So, Tuckwell Scholar students will receive:
- $23,000 per annum (2022 rate) (increasing with inflation) for each year of the length of their undergraduate degree, to cover on-campus residential costs, books, and general living expenses
- priority access guaranteed to ANU-approved student accommodation
- an annual allowance to assist with their move to Canberra and to support two annual return journeys (e.g., airfares) between their home and the University for each year of their degree. The allowance will be dependent on the proximity of their family home to ANU.
- an allowance to help cover the transport costs for their parents to attend Commencement Weekend at the start of the program, and
- an ANU Sports Centre membership for the length of their degree.
Scholarships are awarded based on four criteria:
- academic potential and achievements to date;
- other significant achievements to date, of any type;
- demonstration of the Attributes of a Tuckwell Scholar; and
- a desire to eventually give back to Australia.
Applying for a Tuckwell Scholarship is a three-stage process which commences with an initial application from yourself and a recommendation from a schoolteacher. Applications will begin in March 2023 and submissions must be made before the April 2023 deadline. For more information browse Tuckwell Scholarship.
2023 VCE Summer School Programs
Access Education Summer School
Dates - Monday 16 January to Friday 20 January 2023
Venue - Interactive, Live-Streamed Online 2-hour Lectures
Visit Access Education Summer School to find out more or to download a brochure for the 2023 program.
The School for Excellence Summer School
Dates - Monday 9 January to Thursday 19 January 2023
Venue - University of Melbourne (Parkville)
Visit TSFX Summer School to find out more about the 2023 program.
University TerminologyWhen you are looking into university study, sometimes you will come across words or terms you are unfamiliar with. So, here are a few of the more commonly used terms to help understand what is being talked about.
Associated Degree – an associate degree is generally a two-year qualification that is made up of two-thirds of a bachelor degree and may be offered by both TAFEs and universities. Students often use this as a steppingstone to the full Bachelor Degree.
Assumed Knowledge – refers to subjects the university recommends or prefers a student to have studied at school before starting the course.
ATAR – Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank – the figure used by UAC and VTAC to calculate the entrance ranking for a university course.
Bachelor’s Degree - the award/qualification a student gains when they have completed studies in an undergraduate course, which takes between 3 or 4 years of full-time study. This is the traditional starting point of a university qualification.
Bridging Course – an introductory course to help students achieve the preferred entry level to a degree, e.g., a bridging maths course for students who do not have the preferred maths but need it to access a course.
Census Date – the last day a student can withdraw from their university course and not owe fees.
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) – a student’s enrolment in a university degree for which the Commonwealth government contributes towards the cost of that student’s education (formerly known as a HECS place).
Credit – if a student has previously studied – perhaps at TAFE – and has Recognised Prior Learning (RPL), the student may be able to receive credit for a subject or subjects in their course. Also often referred to as Advanced Standing.
Double Degree – a student can choose to complete a double degree – this integrates studies in two degrees resulting in an award of two degrees, usually after a minimum of 4 years of study. Often also referred to as Combined Degrees.
Defer – a student may choose to delay starting their course. Deferring an offer of a place might mean delaying for 6, 12, 18 or 24 months. Deferment ensures the student is guaranteed their place in their selected course.
Elective – a subject that is not core to the degree and is often from another faculty, e.g., a commerce student might choose psychology (from the Arts Faculty) as an elective.
Faculty – a department within a university devoted to a particular area of study – so, Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Science
FEE-HELP – a loan scheme for domestic students used to pay all or part of an eligible student’s tuition fees for university courses but cannot be used for additional study costs such as accommodation or textbooks. A 20% - 25% loan fee usually applies.
HECS-HELP – a loan scheme that assists domestic students with a CSP place to pay their contribution. Students may choose to pay their fees upfront or choose to defer payment via the HECS-HELP loan scheme.
Honours – many Bachelor degrees offer a fourth year – called an Honours year. The Honours year allows students to further focus on a particular an area of interest. The Honours year can either be integrated into a 4-year Bachelor degree or be offered as a separate year after completion of a 3-year Bachelor degree.
Lecture – a period of teaching given by a lecturer to a large group of students in a lecture theatre; can often be as many as 300 students in a lecture.
Major study – an area within a course that allows in-depth study in a particular field. More than one major may be allowed in some courses.
Minor study – a grouping of subjects allowing a broader understanding of a few subjects, with less emphasis on in-depth study.
Prerequisite – a set of conditions – usually a completion of a subject – that must be met before enrollment in a subject or course is allowed.
SA-HELP – SA‑HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible students to pay for all or part of their student services and amenities fees – so, non-academic fees.
Transcript – this is the university academic record each student receives, like a school report.
Tutorial – a period of teaching given to a small group of students – involving discussion and participation.
Undergraduate – a student studying at university for a first level degree, e.g., a Bachelor degree.
VET Student Loans – a loan scheme for domestic students used to pay all or part of an eligible student’s tuition fees for TAFE courses but cannot be used for additional study costs such as accommodation or textbooks. A 20% loan fee usually applies.
Workplace Learning – practical training in a workplace, such as internships or practical work experience. This is a hands-on experience – some universities call it Industry Based Learning or Work Integrated Learning