Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

Well this is exciting - our first electronic newsletter!!

It has been in the pipeline for a while but now we have now taken the leap and have transitioned!! Thank you to Mrs Harris for her research and to Mrs Wall who has jumped right in to working with the new format and cracking the whip so that we all continue to bring you our regular newsletter on time!


At the moment, I am reading 'Open' by Andre Agassi, and last night I read this "...the four seasons each ask something different of you. Each bestows different gifts and extracts different costs. Each radically alters your outlook, remakes you on a molecular level." 

As we are creeping into the depths of Autumn it made me think about the gifts it offers - the beauty of leaves, the white crisp mornings, the glowing light of an afternoon as the sun sets and the cool air settles. I do love Autumn and Winter in the New England as well for the invigorating cooler weather it bestows upon us (not for playground duty) but for another gift it offers. Comfort food. Now is the perfect opportunity to indulge in comfort food so what better time to support the up and coming P&C Pie Drive. A perfect opportunity to stock the freezer full of warm, yummy, comforting pies all the while supporting the students at the school.  So jump on board, support our amazing P&C  and grab a pie or two!!  Forms are due this Friday - best not to delay.


It's been a busy start to Term 2 (already in Week 5) and we have lots coming up in the next couple of weeks. We look forward to showcasing all the wonderful things the students and staff are participating in using the new format newsletter and we welcome your feedback. 



Mrs Hannah Crawford

Relieving Principal