Faith and Mission

From the Mission Team

Last week, our Year 3 students led a beautiful liturgy to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. With great enthusiasm and reverence, they shared the significance of this important Christian observance. Celebrated 50 days after Easter, Pentecost is known as the Birthday of the Church, the day on which the disciples received the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enable them to continue the work Jesus had begun. 


On Tuesday, our Year 9 students led a Chapel Mass, bringing the National Reconciliation Week focus to the forefront. This special occasion provided our students with an opportunity to reflect on the importance of reconciliation and unity, as they prayed for harmony and understanding among all Australians. Year 9 showed great maturity and wisdom in their involvement, fostering a sense of togetherness and respect. We thank Fr Chris Jenkins for celebrating the Mass and for his insights into the meaning of Reconciliation.


During Week 6, the Junior School came together for a meaningful liturgy to mark the launch of the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Led by Year 4. Blue, the girls spoke about the need to show compassion and solidarity, acknowledging the hardships faced by many during the colder months. To raise awareness and to kick-start this worthy cause, our students dressed in extra beanies, jumpers, and rugs, which will be donated to the Vinnies Winter Appeal at the end of the day. The Appeal will run for four weeks. 


We commend our students and their families for their generosity and for embodying the spirit of empathy and service.

Social Justice across our Community 

Environment Day and Vinnies Winter Appeal 

On Monday June 5, the Loreto community, inspired by World Environment Day challenged staff and students to go without light and heat for the day.  To keep warm the Environment group invited students and staff to wear beanies and blankets for the day.  At the end of the school day, staff and students were invited to donate their blankets and beanies for the Vinnies winter Appeal. These donations will be distributed to the most vulnerable people across Adelaide through the Vinnies are conferences. 


We are currently running our winter appeal across both the Junior and Senior Schools, with students being encouraged to bring the following items across the rest of term 2. Details are below. 

We are asking for donations of the following for the Vinnies Winter Appeal:


WEEK 6 & 7 - Junior and Senior School 

Donations of non-perishable food items

  • Up and Go packs
  • Chunky canned dinners and soups
  • Muesli bars 
  • Cup noodles.
  • cracker packs, sweet biscuits; shapes
  • small boxes of cereals etc.

WEEKS 8 & 9 – Junior School 

  • Blankets
  • New Beanies, socks, gloves
  • Warm jumpers and jackets in good condition
  • 2 person tents (new)
  • Sleeping bags in good condition 

(No sheets please)