Principal's Update

I would like to inform the Waverley Meadows PS community that my time as principal of this wonderful school has come to an end. I have loved my time here over the past three years and the students and families of WMPS will always hold a special place in my heart.
I am going short term to help coordinate some things at another school and then to start a new position as principal of a school a bit closer to where I live in term 3. I will also be taking some long service leave and am looking forward to spending some time travelling with my family in our caravan.
I spoke to each of the grades this morning to share the news and say goodbye. I received lots of cuddles on yard duty and the dogs have had some extra goodbye pats. I will miss the students here so much.
Mrs Meredith Thornton from Anderson's Creek Primary School will be stepping in as Acting Principal here while the position is advertised. I introduced Meredith to the students this afternoon when she popped in to say hello.
I am sorry for the short notice. It was never my intention to leave WMPS suddenly. Today is officially my last day, however I will be coming to the Disco on Friday night and I will return for assembly at the end of term so I can say a proper farewell to everyone. Feel free to come and say goodbye or drop me an email any time. I'd love to keep in touch and hear how everyone is going.
Families enrolled in our out of school hours care program will be aware that Community OSH are unable to continue as our OSHC provider past the end of this term. We are very sad to say goodbye to Liza who has been an excellent carer for our children here for many years. The School Council are working on the appointment of a new OSHC service and hope to have this established some time in term 3. In the interim, our students requiring before or after care will need to be enrolled with Camp Australia at Brandon Park Primary School. Hollie and Clare will be transporting the students from before care at Brandon Park to WMPS and transporting them from WMPS to Brandon Park after school for the duration of time we are without a service. Information on how to sign up to Camp Australia will be sent to all currently enrolled OSHC families soon. For more information, please speak with Clare Ternes.