
Social Justice Action Group – Speaking 4 the Planet
As part of World Environment Day, the boys from SJAG competed in the Speaking 4 the Planet competition, in the writing section. Year 10 and Year 12 SJAG boys wrote 30 words on any topic related to the environment that would “move the mind or imagination of the reader and prompt a response?”.
Two boys were selected to represent the school, Nathan Fenech from Year 12 and Andreas (Andy) Blatsos from Year 10.
Andy’s entry was:
“30 words to make a change. Now 24, maybe enough for a warning. Maybe those words were a waste, but we've done the same. We simply don't have an alternative.’
Andy won second place in the writing section and received a $60 Westfield gift voucher who sponsored the writing prize. Andy also won the People’s Choice for Writing and took home a Google Nest. The People’s Choice prizes were sponsored by Bunnings.
The school also received several Australian native seedlings, which were provided by Canada Bay Council, and they will be planted in the sustainability gardens at school.
I would like to congratulate both Nathan and Andy for their entries and for representing the school at this important event.
Next year we hope to enter more sections of the competition.
Hannah Smith
SJAG Coach
Congratulations are extended to our Debating Fraternity who have performed magnificently in the six rounds of the CSDA Debating Competition. Our boys have been very fortunate to have been guided by our great coaches and Mrs Lombardo. Special mention ought to be made of the 9A, 9B and 10B teams who won five of their six debates and will this week contest in the Elimination Round. Furthermore, we also have 8A, 8B, 11A, 11B and 12A teams who to date are undefeated and have automatically qualified for the Quarter Finals. On behalf of the wider SPC Community I would like to wish them the best of luck and I’m certain they will do St Patrick’s College proud.
Performing Arts Production - Shakespeare in Love
I had the good fortune to attend last Wednesday’s performance of Shakespeare in Love and was astounded by how well it all came together. It was in essence, captivating. The sets, the costumes and most importantly, the acting was of a very high standard and easily one of the best SPC Drama productions I have witnessed in 26 years.
My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the boys and girls who took to the stage along with the behind-the-scenes crew, Ms Duff, Mr Phillipson, Ms Fisicaro, Ms Benham, Mrs Doonan and Mrs Ovijach. Special thanks goes to Mr Daniel Freere and the student musicians who set the scene with delightful interludes of music from the 14th and 15th centuries.
All those involved deserve the community's highest praise for the time and effort they put into this production. I am very much looking forward to next year’s musical, but I encourage our Performing Arts fraternity to enjoy a well-earned break between now and auditions in Term 4.
Supporters’ Duty
Last Saturday saw our Year 9 and 10 cohorts come out and support the First XI and First XV teams. In doing so they were displaying a sense of community and pride in their College. Sadly, it took a while for any cheering to take place on SPC No. 2 despite the First XI team scoring an emphatic 5 – 1 victory over St Andrew’s Cathedral School. Thankfully, the boys assembled on the hill to watch our premier team play against a determined St Gregory’s College team that appeared to be physically bigger than our boys. Despite this advantage, they could not hold back the Boys in Black from scoring an important first round win in this years’ ISA Division 1 Championship.
It would be remiss of me not to single out a large contingent of the Year 10 cohort led by Vuki Esau who cheered wholeheartedly with passion and gusto. The rendition of the College anthem was wonderful and reminded me of what Breen Oval was like pre-COVID. Let’s hope that we continue in that vain going forward.
A reminder that Years 5 and 11 have been designated Supporters’ Day duty on Saturday 22 July. All boys are to report to the Powell Pavilion between 1:00 PM and 1:15 PM dressed in correct College sporting attire or Winter College uniform and have their names marked off. Once this has been completed, boys will move to SPC No. 3 to support the College First XI and await further instructions. Boys will be dismissed from Breen Oval at the conclusion of the First XV game; approximate time is 4:50 PM.
Boys who are representing St Patrick’s in College fixtures played later in the day are to seek out their respective Year Coordinator upon arrival. These students will inform their Year Coordinator of what team they played in, the location of the fixture and the start time.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular