Leadership Report

Into the swing of things at Magill School


Who can believe we're at the end of Week 4? I certainly can't! This term is flying along at rapid speed, with so much happening it's hard to keep track of it all. It's really important that as parents and caregivers to our students, you keep on top of class communication and make sure that you've got all the information you need.


This year marks the 50th Birthday celebration of the Dream Big Children's Arts Festival. Held bi-annually, the Dream Big Festival provides a rich arts program of theatre, dance, drama, music and much more for children throughout the state to participate in. I remember my own experiences of participating in whole school Dream Big festival activities during my time at primary school, and I hope our students too will remember the experiences they have engaged with. We've had many year levels travelling off to see shows over the past few weeks, to be immersed in the Dream Big fun, and while this year's festival ends this weekend, our students are fortunate to continue their journey with the arts through our specialist Arts program delivered across the school to all ages.


Along with Dream Big excursions, we have the BikeEd crew on site this term delivering their road safety program to our Year 5 students. With the beautiful upgrade to Magill Village, and the specific bike trails and zones in our local neighbourhood, riding a bike to and from school is a great way to build responsibility and independence as children grow up.


This week marked the start of our 2-week swimming program for Junior Primary students. Students have been happy and excited to head off and complete their lessons this week, with another group of classes getting their turn next week. Thank you to families who have supported class teachers by labelling absolutely everything to minimise lost items - there's always a sock or two left at the end!


As the weather turns decidedly more wintery a quick reminder about our 'kiss-n-drop' zone located on Adelaide Street. While getting wet can be annoying, it won't hurt anyone, so please use all of the space allocated both before and after the road crossing to pull in and safely enable your children to leave or enter the car. It is not safe to stop next to the fence, over the crossing, or next to the entrance to the staff carpark and encourage your child to either leave or get into the car. Children and families must not use the small carpark as a quick short cut as cars enter and exit at many and varied times. It's everyone's responsibility to use the zone appropriately, that means stopping at the correct place, driving to the 25km speed limit and being aware of students on both sides of the one-way street. If your child requires help to get in and out of the car, this is not the place for you. Please use one of our many local side street options if you require to get out and assist your child. 


Kasey Thorne

Assistant Principal