
Take the time to practice this at home.

Image from verywellfamily.com website
Image from verywellfamily.com website

Mindfulness helps us stay calm under stress, avoid getting too upset, get along better with others and be more patient. It can help with anxiety. Mindfulness gives us the opportunity to slow our minds and be calm.


At St Anne's we value mindfulness. We teach and practice this skill everyday. Children are then encouraged to draw on these skills when they find themselves in difficult situations. 

Please keep your eye out for the mindfulness activities that will be sent out on your child's Seesaw activity feed this coming week. We encourage you to practice this mindfulness together with your child. 


There are a number of Mindfulness aps that you can use. Lockdown might be a great time for you to start practicing mindfulness in your households. 


Some of these aps are:

Smiling Mind


Stop, think, Breathe

Mindfulness for Children

Sleep Meditations for Children