Diploma Programme

Interview with our new DP Coordinator, Mark Harrington
Tell us a little about yourself
I originally worked in accounting and then moved into financial management training and university lecturing and tutoring, then qualified as a teacher and moved into secondary education. After seven years teaching at senior secondary level in Melbourne at a government school and two independent schools, I embarked on an international teaching career in 2013 in China. This was preceded by completing a two-year specialist Masters degree in Education (International Baccalaureate) at The University of Melbourne. I taught and coordinated at two international schools in Shanghai for five years, progressing from IB Diploma Teacher to IB Examiner to IB Professional Development Presenter to Extended Essay Coordinator. I then moved to Cairo to take up the position of IB Diploma Coordinator in 2018 at an American international school. During this time I also took on the roles of Theory of Knowledge Teacher and Coordinator as well as Extended Essay Coordinator. I also became an IB Professional Development Presenter as well as an Executive Committee member of the IB Schools in Egypt Association. My educational philosophy is based on five principles and practices of Passionate and Positive, Engage and Empower, Inclusive, Respectful and Globally and Culturally Aware.
What brings you to Preshil?
These ongoing global ‘pandemic times’ told me that after eight years overseas it was time to return to Australia. I communicated with Preshil about returning to Melbourne and fortunately an opportunity came up to apply for the IB DP Coordinator’s position at the School, for which I was very fortunate to be selected.
What do you hope to achieve while at Preshil?
I hope to support the students (and staff) in every way I can so they can achieve the best of their abilities. I wholeheartedly agree with Preshil’s philosophy, in that education is not about having to be top of the class or the School being top of performance tables. It’s about helping students achieve what they are individually capable of and to celebrate those individual achievements. Each student is special and I want them to feel special in my support for them as they continue on their IB journey.
What do you love to do with your free time?
Snow skiing (Australia and overseas), international travel (well used to!), following AFL (go the Magpies!) and table tennis playing, team coaching and managing.
Is there anything else that we should know about you?
I have a love of education and have invested a lot of time in studying for three Masters degrees in Education, all from The University of Melbourne, the last of which was in the International Baccalaureate. I am a lifelong learner with a passion for the IB Diploma Programme and I strive every day to help students achieve to the best of their abilities. I firmly believe that ‘Education opens doors, creates opportunities and enhances oneself that is sometimes unquantifiable in terms of one’s holistic wellbeing’.
Mark Harrington
DP Coordinator and teacher of TOK