Office Oracle

Welcome everyone to Term 3
Please don't hesitate to contact Reception on 9817 6135 if you require assistance.
Maths study group
Sessions are run weekly after school (3.15pm - 4.14pm) on Tuesdays in Hades and support both MYP & DP students on topics of their choice. Whether students are catching up, maintaining par or getting ahead, these sessions offer students an opportunity to study, with help at hand from Maths teachers Andrew Belegrinos and/or Helen Kerr-Lawley.
Maths can be difficult. Getting stuck is inevitable. However, we have control over how long we are stuck for. Learn the same amount in half the time.
Lunch ordering
Our online lunch provider, Classroom Cuisine, creates and delivers (to the front office) healthy and affordable school lunches. Available through the week except Tuesdays, you can order online up until 8.30am on the day the lunch is required. A TWO COURSE lunch costs between $8.25 - $10.20 and a THREE COURSE lunch costs between $9.95 - $11.90.
Instrumental music lessons
If your child would like to take up private music lessons this term, please read the program's terms and conditions, complete a contract and return to the office.
Next newsletter
The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on 28 July. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here.
Judy O'Donnell
Secondary School Reception