From the Principal

Big Ideas

Each Wednesday I teach a small class of Year Sevens under the banner of ‘Big Ideas’.  We attempt to solve maths problems.  These are relatable to our society and are developed in a context of being 'challenged on your feet' maths activities.  In society, 'Big Ideas' transform society and change our understanding of ourselves.  Creating an environment where this kind of thinking is natural and expected is enhancing the engagement for the learner.  These experiences, often student lead, provide opportunities for deep learning and understanding.

Foundation Day

Next Monday, the School is celebrating Foundation Day.  The history of this day goes back to 1999 when the current school site was officially acknowledged as the opening of the school.


“On June 26th 1999, the School held a celebration in the middle of the newly acquired cow paddocks.  A flag was raised, and a sod turned in the hope of new buildings to be ready for the School’s second year in 2000.  The first official event at Oyster Harbour became the School’s Foundation Day”.


Parents are welcome to attend the day’s activities commencing with an assembly at 12.00pm in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex, which includes the cutting of the Foundation Day cake with our two youngest and two oldest students. This is followed by the Running of the Flags.  

Morning arrival times

Students are welcome to arrive at school from 8.30am. Prior to this time the School does not provide adult supervision and duty of care. We do ask parents, if possible, not to leave children unaccompanied before 8.30am unless they are attending a school activity. 

Dads in the Great Southern (DiGS)

When: 25 June 2021, 7.00pm - 9.00pm

Where: Albany Army Cadet Building, Cnr of Brunswick Road and Bolt Terrace

Who: All GSG dads and father figures

Cost: $10


I am delighted to invite all GSG dads and father figures to a story sharing session at the Army Barracks on 25 June 2021 commencing 7.00pm. John Byrne, DiGS representative and I, will share stories around fathering, highlighting the relevance of fathers through personal experiences. It is an opportunity to be present, in a social environment whilst reflecting on the attributes of fathering. The cost is $10 per person to cover the pizza order and drinks will be available for purchase at the bar. For further information and RSVP please contact John Byrne 0427 279 270.


Mr Mark Sawle | Principal