Specialist News

Term 2

Pupil of the Week - Indonesian

Junior:  Leo G (1/2Y)

Bagus sekali, Leo! You did a wonderful job practicing your writing and spelling to create sentences describing what transport you were travelling with. 


Senior:  Ollie C (5/6W)

Terima kasih for your brilliant leadership and kreativitas last week Ollie! The idea for creating an interactive matching game for Open Night was hebat!

Pupil of the Week - Performing Arts

Junior:  Freddie B (1/2G)

For showing perseverance when rehearsing the class dance and song for the Junior Production. Well done for using your inner coach to help you make good choices!


Senior: Jenny C (3/4M)

For showing outstanding leadership of the orange music ensemble when creating a percussion and pitched percussion piece. Your ability to compose and conduct was inspiring!

Pupil of the Week - Physical Education 

Junior: Glenn P (FD)

For continually displaying outstanding persistence with challenging tasks! Super Star Effort! 


Senior: Sienna V (3/4O)

For displayingstrong leadership skills and confidence, whilst performing a group fitness task. Brilliant Work!

Pupil of the Week - Visual Arts

Junior: Phoebe R (FH)

For your stunning leaf printing artwork - displaying zest and a love for learning. You remembered our classroom routines and were a terrific role model to others. 


Senior: Justine H (5/6C)

For you mindful and mature treatment of a new medium in art. You displayed self-regulation and creativity.
