Discovery Centre


We had another busy, exciting week in the Discovery Centre. Students are feeling very excited for our upcoming excursion to Healesville Sanctuary. You will see we have uploaded a social story about our excursion on Seesaw. We  will be going through this together at school, but you may also want to have a look with your child at home. Please remember for this excursion your child needs to: 

  • arrive at school by 8:50am, no later
  • bring a small backpack (not school bag) with snack, lunch and drink bottle
  • wear comfortable walking shoes
  • wear appropriate clothes for the weather (eg warm clothes and possibly a raincoat, rain is currently forecast for Healesville on Thursday)

In Writing, we introduced a different writing genre, Information Reports. Students had a go at writing their own information reports that are made up of true facts about themselves, dogs and to tie in with our Guided Inquiry unit: the seasons. It was very interesting to find out more information about the students in their information report: 'All About Me'. 

In Mathematics this week students learned about problem solving strategies and how to use these to solve open ended maths problems. We focused on the strategies 'act out the problem' where students use counters to find solutions and 'draw a picture'. We also celebrated that we can find the answer in different ways and that there are lots of different answers for open ended problems. Some problems we explored were: 'you went to the pet shop and saw two types of fish in the tanks, draw what you might see' and 'you saw 12 legs at Healesville Sanctuary, what animals might they be?' It was great to see students using different strategies and explaining how they solved the problem and which strategy they preferred. There were lots of rich discussions involving mathematical language. 


In Garden this week students completed a scavenger hunt looking for different things around the garden such as lavender, lime leaf and snails. FH also got to try lemon, they discovered it was very sour! We also continued with PMP and noticed lots of improvements in how the students are completing the activities. 

Student Voice

From our information reports: 

My favourite food is: 



  • Healesville Sanctuary excursion Thursday - please arrive at school no later than 8:50am.
  • If you are able to help with PMP we are still on the hunt for volunteers for FH and FD, if you are able to help please contact your class teacher or sing up at the office

Pupil of the Week

FD:  Aiden K -

For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning in our Maths task 'ten new preps'. You used the strategy 'draw a picture' to find different solutions and showed your answers neatly in your book. Super work Aiden!


FH: Brax R -

For demonstrating your creativity and love of learning when completing our open ended problems in Maths. You used our draw a picture strategy to find more than one solution. Amazing effort Brax!


FJ: Dexter S -

For demonstrating a love of learning when learning the codes. You have been a keen code spotter when reading, even spotting 'er of her' in your name! Keep up the great work Dexter.