Independence Centre


Selamat siang!

The Independence Centre had another busy and successful week! Congratulations to our Grade Three students for showing perseverance and confidence when completing their NAPLAN assessments - it was lovely to see happy, smiling faces throughout the week with everyone feeling positive throughout the week. Grade Four students were fantastic role models for their Kindergarten buddies as well - being leaders and supporting their buddies to illustrate an elephant in their house. We have also been working on our teamwork and communication skills through collaborative activities in Wellbeing sessions. It would be great to speak about how to be a good communicator and a good listener when you are working collaboratively at home too!


In Reading, students investigated how visual literacy informs our understanding of different texts. We had the opportunity to unpack camera angles, fonts, colours and other elements that make up the visual part of books. It was great to see students inferring how the author wanted us to feel about characters. During Writing, students had the opportunity to edit and revise their persuasive writing as well as present speeches to their peers. It was wonderful to see students excited to share their work with their grade. Look out for your child’s persuasive writing on Seesaw in the coming days.

In Maths, we explored some mathematical keywords around shape and transformation. Students used classroom materials and objects to demonstrate their understanding of symmetry, rotations, translations and reflections. Additionally, we had some really exciting lessons coding our Dash robots to get them from one place to another. It was impressive to see students using their problem solving and coding expertise to use and successfully navigate Dash!


Preparation for our Winter Gala Day on the 3rd of August has begun! The 3/4 students are practising their chosen sport in 3/4 sport time on Friday. If you are interested and available to come and volunteer on Friday the 14th, 21st and 28th of May between 12:30 pm-1:30 pm and for our Gala Day on Thursday the 3rd of June please be in contact with your child’s teacher. 



Wishing you a lovely week and for those of you celebrated Ramadan, a belated Eid Mukbarak. 

Mr Dix, Miss Gasowski, Mrs McCoy, Miss Molloy, Mr O’Connor and Miss Richardson :)

Student Voice

  • Shashank G - “I'm excited about Winter Gala day”
  • Hayley S - “I can’t wait to go to the museum!”
  • Blake F - “I loved using the robots in maths this week”


  • Homework which has been shared on Google classroom (Dojo rewards!)
  • Please check Sentral for permissions and volunteer opportunities.

Pupil of the Week

3/4D: Louis D -

Well done using your strength of curiosity when investigating and selecting a new book to read. It was great to see you researching background information on the story! Lovely, Louis! 


3/4G: William L -

For demonstrating perseverance and zest when presenting your persuasive speech. You used interesting vocabulary and organised your arguments well - not to mention that beautiful handwriting! Wonderful, Will!


3/4K: Blake F -

For the confident and lively manner in which you presented your persuasive speech. You crafted engaging reasons with evidence and facts to support your arguments. Brilliant, Blake!


3/4M: Shane H -

For demonstrating bravery and perseverance when delivering your persuasive speech to the class. You engaged the audience with your expressive voice and hand gestures. Show stopping, Shane! 


3/4O: Laura M -

For using creativity and zest as you followed the writing process to draft, edit, publish and then present your persuasive speech. Thanks to your persuasive arguments, listening to music in class will be banned across the classroom. Love it, Laura!


3/4R: Claire S -

For demonstrating zest and a love of learning when writing and presenting your persuasive speech to the class. Your use of hand gestures and change in your volume and tone kept the audience fully engaged! Captivating, Claire!