Leadership Centre


What an eventful week it was in the Leadership Centre! Congratulations to all the Year 5 students who completed NAPLAN last week. Everyone demonstrated great positivity and perseverance throughout the week. 


In Literacy, students explored a range of different persuasive devices used in persuasive texts to engage an audience and experimented with these techniques when creating an audiovisual advertisement for an object or cause of their choice. Using a class K-W-L Chart, students identified the persuasive devices they already know about and feel confident applying and discussed which devices they would like to learn more about. This Student Voice helped guide the Teacher Focused sessions in each class, focusing on the specific needs of the students.


In Maths students completed a Rich Assessment Task to demonstrate their understanding of location and transformation on a Cartesian plane. This task will act as a pre-unit assessment to help teachers identify common misconceptions related to this topic and to plan appropriate teaching activities to support students' understanding. Students were provided with a differentiated success criteria in the form of a rubric to help support them in completing the task and it was clear that students really enjoyed the challenge. We can’t wait to move into the unit, where there will be a range of fun and engaging learning activities.

Our Guided Inquiry topic this term is ‘Think Global, Act Local’ and students have really enjoyed discussing and exploring what it means to be sustainable and how this can affect our planet. This week students will continue engaging in their own inquiry, investigating the events that occur within a natural disaster of their choosing. Students have completed research to gain a full understanding of what happens in the event of their chosen natural disaster and will be tasked with the challenge of creating a labelled diorama depicting these events. Students will also create a clear and informative safety procedures infographic. We are looking forward to students demonstrating their character strength of creativity during this activity!

Student Voice

  • Aarav D - "I really enjoyed the Rich Assessment Task. I was able to show my understanding of Cartesian Planes"
  • Ollie C - "My favourite persuasive device is hyperbole (exaggeration) to make facts seem more important and engaging for the reader"
  • Samanvi K - "The collaborative Guided Inquiry task gave me an opportunity to work with my group and creatively make an info graphic about my natural disaster. 


  • Camp Coonawarra final payment installment due Tuesday 18th May
  • Camp Coonawarra consent forms signed and returned to school
  • Senior Water Safety Program permission and payment due Friday 21st May
  • Next week is Education Week: Art Show and Open Night Thursday 27th May

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Pearl J -

Well done Pearl for demonstrating your kindness and zest when assisting your classmates to complete learning tasks they were catching up on. You provided direction, clear instructions and challenged your classmates to improve their work.


5/6C: Ninad R -

For demonstrating the character strength humility in your Let's Talk Mentor role and as a supportive friend. Your kindness does not go unnoticed and you are an amazing role model to all. Thank you Ninad! 


5/6SB: Mia C -

For demonstrating perseverance in Maths this Term. Mia has been working well across all areas of Maths, especially in addition. Excellent work Mia!


5/6W: Natasha G -

For demonstrating the character strength of curiosity and perseverance when learning how to plot coordinates on a Cartesian Plane. It was great to see your confidence grow as you practised. Keep up the great effort, Tash!