Library News

NSS Science Experiment


This week was national Library and Information week!

To celebrate, the book ‘Give me some space!’ by Philip Bunting was read in libraries all around Australia at 11am on  Wednesday 19 May.(or thereabouts). 

At BBPS students enjoyed the story being read in space by Shannon Walker. An Astronaut currently orbiting around the earth in the International Space Station. (400 kilometres above earth!). 

Below; Thomas answering questions and sharing his knowledge about the Solar system.

Thomas responding to questions
Thomas responding to questions


Citizen Science Wonderings
Citizen Science Wonderings

Left: A citizen science component saw 1C measure the temperature in our Exon playground. This information will be used by ISS Scientists. 

Issue 4 closing on May 24, hurry to get your orders in! Link to copy and paste in your browser is below: