
Aubrey's Snow Report

As mentioned in a previous newsletter, the SRC recently unpacked our Student Resilience Youth Survey data in partnership with Antony Keely from the The Resilience Project. From this, the SRC have decided to focus on addressing the concept of 'seeking help' and building positive values: 

*I am able to trust other people

*I can talk about things if they upset me

*I can come up with ways to solve problems


With the support of Jodie Gates, they plan to implement a number of strategies throughout the year to address what our school data for grades 4-6 revealed. Their first initiative has been to re-introduce the ‘Problem Box’ into the classroom – a box where students can share problems they are facing in the playground anonymously, which are then unpacked during Circle Time each day. A revealing statistic that provoked our students' thinking was 65% of adolescents do not seek help for mental illness. Congratulations to the SRC for their great thinking and practical action.


Please see below for some BBPS student data about connection, compared to Australian Norms. Overall our data is extremely positive, with students feeling connected to family, teachers and peers above the Australian norm. There are some interesting things to notice in terms of friendships and self-belief, particularly for our grade 5 girls. 


Also, some interesting data about home habits ...

This graph tells us that, for example, in grade 6 only 45% of females do not text late at night (meaning that 55% of our grade 6 girls do), while 74% of males do not text at night.

Where are devices kept in your home? What controls do you have in place? Tips and Tricks will be shared in our next newsletter.



Parent Webinars 

The eSafety Commissioner are focusing on parental controls. 
