Upper Junior Come and See English
On Tuesday 25th May, Upper Junior held a Come and See English reading comprehension session for parents to attend. In this learning session students explored a non-fiction text about hermit crabs, linking to our term theme of ‘under the sea’. We looked at the parts of the text such as the table of contents, title, author and chapter headings and completed group and individual activities based on this.
Upper Juniors - Learning to Play
Upper Juniors are still continuing with the theme under the sea. So far we have been looking at imaginary or fictional stories. This week looked at non-fiction stories. We looked at “Facts about the hermit crab” by Lisa Strattin. This term the school we are looking at is we are here to learn. We have been learning through play. Play is very important for our students to explore, investigate, put into practice what they learn. Through play students develop language, problem solving …… In play there isn’t a right or wrong answer, this further develops their confidence and willingness to give it ago!
Autumn in EEP
For the past few weeks the children have been learning about Autumn. Everyone has gone for Autumn walks and started learning about the changes the happen in nature during this season. The children have had lots of fun going and collecting leaves. During craft the children have been making their own trees in the classroom and painting pictures with the colours red, orange and yellow.
Room 1 has been learning the song 5 apples and floating like a feather, the children are really enjoying being a part of the songs.
Room 2 has been looking at things that grow during the autumn time and Room 3 have been learning the songs Autumn leaves are falling down and have been decorating trees and painting rain clouds.
We have also been discussing the changes that have been happening and how as the weather starts to get colder the children have to start changing their clothes to make themselves warm.
Come and See in Lower Junior
In Lower Junior the students had a special visit from their families who came along to the come and see day. The students were able to show what they are learning in developmental play. The students have also had fun learning about our new theme Transport. Thank you to all the families who came along to the come and see days.