From the Principal
Dear parents and carers,
Yesterday the Acting Premier announced new circuit breaker restrictions for Victoria to swiftly address the recent COVID-19 outbreak. The restrictions will be in place for a seven-day period.
Following advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, all Victorian schools will move to a period of remote and flexible learning from Monday 31 May to Thursday 3 June inclusive.
Today, (Friday 28 May) will be a student-free day. Remote and flexible learning will begin on Monday 31 May.
Yarrabah School teachers will communicate with you through Seesaw on Monday morning to keep you informed of the program for that day and week ahead. We will also have up-to-date information on our LinkIT portal and Facebook page.
As with other remote learning periods, our school will provide on-site supervision for students in the following categories:
Children where both parents and/or carers are authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an essential provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made:
- Where there are two parents/carers, both must be authorised workers, working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision
- For single parents/ carers, the authorised worker must be working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision.
Children experiencing vulnerability, including:
- children in out-of-home care
- children deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and is assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home
- children identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable, including via referral from a government agency, or funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service.
If your child requires on-site supervision, please contact Yarrabah on (03)9580 0384 or click here to complete the online application form.
Information is available to support your child’s learning from home.
Kind regards
Matthew Harris
Yarrabah School