Upcoming Events

Friday, 4th AugustNational Aboriginal Children's Day
Friday, 4th August Prep Fire Fighter Visit 
Wednesday, 9th August Prep 100 Days of School Celebration
Monday, 14th AugustScience Week
Tuesday, 15th August Feast of the Assumption
Wednesday, 16th AugustYr 3/4 Melbourne University Excursion 
Wednesday, 23rd AugustProduction Dress Rehearsal - St Aloysius
Thursday, 24th August School Production 6.00pm
Monday, 28th August School Closure Day
Tuesday, 29th AugustFather's Day Morning Tea
Wednesday, 30th AugustYr 5/6 Holy Spirit Retreat Day
Friday, 15th SeptemberFooty/Soccer Colours Day
Friday, 15th SeptemberEnd Term 3 - 2PM
Monday, 2nd OctoberBegin Term 4
Friday, 15th DecemberEnd Term 4