Message from the Principal 

St Peter’s School- an empowered faith community to enrich the world

Welcome to Week 5 Term 3

To provide a vibrant learning culture for our community of learners to thrive, guided by faith and  compassion.


Dear Parents,


I am very fortunate this week to be in Inverloch attending a conference with Principal colleagues from the South East Zone Network.

We are a group who meet monthly to learn from and support each other. This week, our annual conference,  we have been working with The Wellbeing Lab, investigating the many elements of providing a culture of care in our schools.


I want to thank all staff for their support and making adjusttments so I can be absent from school for these days. A special thanks to Ms Devisser for ensuring the school runs smoothly!

Parents and Friends (P&F)

We have a date for our Special Person's breakfast!  Friday 6 October 7:30-8:30am. Please save the date. We will need many hands to help organise the event. Please email if you are able to help in any way.


I am still looking for parents interested in forming the executive committee for the P&F. Please let me know if this is the role for you or if want more information about this.

Art show news

You will have seen on our calendar we were planning an Art Show this term. Sadly, Ms Musco is on extended leave and so we will not be having an Art show. There will, however, be a showcase of our Performing Arts on Thursday 7 September at 2pm in the hall. Each class will perform the dance they have been learning in class with Mr Tyson, plus our choir will perform. Parents and families are invited to this event , so please put this date in your diaries!

2024 Planning

It's that time of year where the school needs to start planning for next year. If you already know that your plans for 2024 mean your family will not be at St Peter's, or even if you are thinking about moving, please email by Friday 11 August.

Conversely, if you have a child who will be starting school next year, please ensure you complete an enrolment form and give it to Margaret in the office.

Road safety

Following on from my article in the last newsletter regarding road safety around the school, please read the page 'Keeping our children safe' regarding information received from Monash Council.


Blessings for a safe week.



Sharon Daujat


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