Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 3 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 28 July:

FNFNFor achieving 100 days of school!! You guys are awesome!!
FHFHFor achieving 100 days of school! I am so proud of you all.
FBFBFor achieving 100 days of school!! You guys rock!!
FWFWFor achieving 100 days of school. You are all superstars!
1PSadie JFor writing and publishing an entertaining ending to Koala Lou. Well done Sadie, keep up the great work. 
1JEvie SFor making a really big effort with your reading and decoding tricky words!
1WFinn MCFor his prompt starts to his work and dedication to his learning. You are a fabulous role model Finn!
2GSam CFor your terrific effort contributing to class discussions. Well done Sam!
2MLucinda BFor being a responsible class member who always displays beautiful manners and patience.
2N Oscar WFor always having a happy outlook and being enthusiastic about learning.
2TAustin CFor his excellent effort and persistence during fluency reading sessions. Well done Austin!
3BMilla SFor her positive attitude towards learning and being a kind, respectful member of our class!
3HAndelise I     For her fantastic effort contributing to class discussions and answering questions. Keep it up Andi!
3JLucas GFor being a respectful and helpful classmate who is always willing to offer others a hand. 
3RJye MFor always showing enthusiasm, especially during school concert rehearsals!
4BLeo FFor his focus and effort especially in Maths and on his information report.
4DArmaan TFor your happy and friendly nature that you bring to school each and every day. You are always trying to improve yourself, well done!
4PRhythm RFor writing a detailed, interesting and well structured information report about an Australian Prime Minister. 
4SRyan MFor his much improved attitude to writing and his passion and dedication to publish his work.
6BKevin GFor writing an exceptional narrative text and his excellent behaviour in the classroom.
6CDayn MFor his consistent hard work and respect shown in all areas of learning. Keep it up!
6MEliza AFor her focus and mature attitude when working independently. You are amazing! 
6RLily BFor demonstrating concentration and focus during literacy sessions and actively participating in class discussions.


You're a Star Awards for Week 4 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 4 August:

FNOscar HFor listening and trying so hard during our maths sessions. Super work Oscar!
FBFinn HFor your amazing sounding out in writing, you are smashing it!
FWIsla RFor always looking out for her friends, being kind and including others. You're a superstar.
1PLoic PFor being responsible, staying on task and completing work to his best standard. Well done Loic. 
1JMia DBMFor making a super effort with your reading, clearly decoding and taking your time to make sense of your books!
1SWilbur vdKFor his wonderful word choices and clever use of punctuation, when re-writing the ending of Koala Lou.
1sCharlotte M      For always showing a growth mindset and working hard to improve in all aspects of her school! Particularly our Think Time challenges! 
1WFrankie HFor always remaining on task and showing her commitment to her learning. You are a great role model Frankie!
2GAddisen MFor your focus and effort during writing sessions. Keep up the great work!
2MNathan FFor his super effort with response writing, particularly the interesting details he included in his response to ‘Starry Night’.
2N Willow DFor always applying herself fully to every task and showing care and consideration towards others.
2TChloe HFor a super effort with her response writing this week. Well done Chloe!
3BAbigail FFor her amazing effort and persistence in Maths this week! Awesome work Abigail!
3HIsla DFor her fantastic effort and quality of work during our grammar lessons this week. Well done Isla!
3HArchie JFor consistently working to the best of his ability on all set tasks. Keep it up Archie!
3JMilly BFor working diligently all week on classroom tasks and sharing her ideas with others. 
3RBeau MFor his bright personality and ability to make his classmates laugh!
4BHolly CFor always showing support and empathy to her classmates.
4DAva EFor your dedication towards your school work. You never give up and you work hard towards your goals.
4PBenjamin D      For always striving to achieve his very best & having a positive attitude & growth mindset to all that you do. Well done.
4SBonnie MK     For always being an extremely kind and thoughtful student and for making her teacher laugh daily.
5GOscar KFor his well written responses to the comprehension questions for our mentor text "A Long Walk to Water". Great work!
5HJacob MFor the fantastic effort he showed during all explanation writing tasks. Well done Jacob! 
5OOllie MFor being a helpful and positive student and showing a big improvement in your ability to efficiently complete classroom tasks.
5RIsobel GFor always having a positive attitude in class and giving all tasks a go, no matter how challenging they may be!
5SEva TFor a descriptive, engaging and well structured introduction to her explanation writing piece "How does the Digestive System Work?".
6BFionn DFor his outstanding contribution to our literacy sessions and excellent behaviour.
6CLyra MFor always trying her best and working towards her learning goals. 
6MLiam DFor making insightful contributions to class discussions during our novel study. Well done Liam! 
6RIsaac SFor his engagement with our literacy block, actively contributing to class discussions with insightful observations.