Mr Bainbridge's Bulletin
NAPLAN Results 2023
Recently we received our Grade 3 and Grade 5 NAPLAN results for 2023. All of our students should be extremely proud of their achievements within these assessments. NAPLAN provides a snapshot of a students learning at one particular time in the key curriculum areas of English and Mathematics.
As a school it allows us to view cohort performance to gain vindication for our teaching and learning practice and also make adjustments to areas of need.
The cohort data we’ve received centres on the percentage of students who achieved within the ‘Exceeding’ and ‘Strong’ Proficiency Levels in comparison to our ‘Similar’ and ‘Network’ schools. Similar Schools are those with like socio-economic makeup and Network Schools are the schools located within the Kingston area.
Grade 3 | Parkdale PS | Similar Schools | Network Schools |
Reading | 91% | 85% | 79% |
Writing | 95% | 91% | 88% |
Numeracy | 88% | 84% | 79% |
Spelling | 77% | 72% | 70% |
Grammar & Punctuation | 79% | 74% | 66% |
Grade 5 | Parkdale PS | Similar Schools | Network Schools |
Reading | 95% | 91% | 86% |
Writing | 91% | 87% | 83% |
Numeracy | 94% | 84% | 79% |
Spelling | 91% | 81% | 79% |
Grammar & Punctuation | 85% | 80% | 74% |
These results demonstrate wonderful achievements by our students in comparison to Similar Schools and Network Schools. Our students, parents and staff should be extremely proud of these achievements. As a school we will continue to strive for academic growth for all children and use these results alongside our internal assessments to provide the best education possible for the students of Parkdale PS.