Sporting News

Southern Metropolitan Regional Badminton
On 19 July, the senior girls went to Springers Leisure Centre for the Southern Metro Region Interschool Badminton. Our team played against three schools including Cranbourne East Secondary College, Mt Eliza Secondary College and MacRob.
We were all warmed up and were very excited to play against the different schools. There were some excellent opportunities to have a hit and play against each other and practice our shots for the games. Against each school, we played four singles games and two doubles games. After lots of fun, we won against Cranbourne East and Mt Eliza and reached our last game against MacRob.
After some great rallies and lots of really close matches with MacRob, we finished second overall in the competition after giving it our all. We had a lot of fun along the way and everyone on the team did really well in their games. The boys also enjoyed wins in their opening three pool matches, making the final against Melbourne High, after some very close games they were defeated 4-2 to finish runners up on the day. Thank you to Mr Armistead for the motivation and the organisation and hopefully we can go one better next year!
Vinamraa Naidu - Year 11
The day of the competition finally came, and we were all so excited to play at the Intermediate Regionals Badminton Competition for 2023. As we arrived at the courts, we saw various schools warming up and practicing for the matches. Seeing the amount of people standing with the rest of their teammates made us feel nervous, but we all encouraged each other to play well with small pep-talks.
Our first match of the day was against Kambrya College in which all our teammates played to the best of their ability and won. The next few schools we played with were Mt. Eliza Secondary College and McClelland Secondary College, in which the girls played excellently and won their matches.
After a lot of hard work and determination, we finally made it to the finals in which we versed Mac.Robertson Girls' High School. These intense matches really brought out the best in us. As we progressed into the games, the shots also got harder to play against as the level was worthy of a state final. Unfortunately, we lost by only a few points, 4-2 overall, losing the last two doubles matches 22-20 and 21-18 to narrowly miss out and finishing runners up; but we were all happy to be playing and supporting each other and I am looking forward to next year. I encourage anyone from any level to go and play in Nossal’s Social Badminton Club which hosts sessions on Tuesday and Thursday before school. Thank you to Mr. Armistead for believing in us, organising training sessions and taking us to the event!
Arpita Nayak - Year 9
On 21 July, the Nossal badminton intermediate boys’ regionals at Springers brought together the tough competition, in which the Southern Metropolitan Region fought for their spot into the state bracket. At the beginning the nerves kicked in when we were watching every team warm up, fighting for the same spot realising how good they were.
In the games before the finals, playing against Narre Warren South SC, Dromana SC and Frankston SC, the team was finding their groove before finals, where they ultimately won all their singles and doubles games, delivering another guaranteed flag for school. However, the inter boys knew that they need to avenge their last years slight defeat, at the hands of Melbourne High School.
In the finals against Melbourne High School, our first and second seeds (Chris and Samko) managed to bring momentum to the team’s morale, helping us get some breathing space early in the tie. Next, our third seed (Sachin) managed to win a massive 22-20 win to bring ahead a 3-0 lead, bringing the intermediate boys a step away from being the next region champions. Ultimately, Nossal’s inter boys came out ahead with a 4-2 cinching the win, advancing into state championships on 9 August.
Thank you to Mr Armistead, Mr Hu and Mr Ratnayake for their invaluable efforts into coaching all the teams. Best of luck to the inter boys at the state finals at MSAC!! GO NOSSAL WOOOOOO!!!!
Jeffery Ly - Year 10
Senior Girls' Hockey - Southern Metropolitan Region Finals
On Friday 28 July, a team of enthusiastic Nossal students set out to Hawthorn Hockey Ground to play the Southeastern Metropolitan Region for senior girls' interschool hockey. For many players this was their first time playing the sport. However, the team’s enthusiasm and stellar teamwork meant they managed to get 5 goals over the duration of the tournament, with a loss against Frankston High School, a win against McKinnon Secondary College and a draw against Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School. The outcome of this day is a testament to the culture and attitude of Nossal students. It is the resilience of Nossal that allows absolute novices to hold their own against teams of actual hockey players.
Regina Brown - Year 11
Senior Girls' Basketball
Congratulations to the Senior Girls' Basketball Teams who represented Nossal at the district competition on Monday 17 July. Team A played with skill, applying excellent offensive and defensive structures but unfortunately were no match for the Berwick Secondary College Academy who will progress to the next level. Team B showed outstanding improvement in their knowledge of basketball, positional play and confidence throughout the tournament. They were awarded the winning pennant for their group.