Languages News

French Cuisine
During Week 9 of Term 2, the Year 10 French students had an engaging practical class that focused on immersing them in the culture of France through its cuisine. Working in small groups, they collaborated to prepare two iconic French dishes: crêpes and a classic French omelette. A crêpe is a thin type of pancake that is often accompanied by various toppings such as fruits, ice cream, and syrup. On the other hand, an omelette is a traditional dish made with beaten eggs and cooked in butter. It is quite common for omelettes to be served with fillings like chives, vegetables, and meat. The main objective of this activity was to provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge of the language in a more practical and hands-on manner, thereby deepening their understanding of the language itself. The cooking experience not only offered valuable insights into French culture but also enhanced our understanding of customary practices in France.
Overall, the cooking practical session was a successful initiative. The students successfully deciphered a recipe written in French and utilised their prior knowledge to create a delicious culinary delight. This practical approach was an effective way for the students to bridge the gap between theory and practice, enabling them to also appreciate the language in an enjoyable way.
Pahal Dandiya - Year 10
Japanese Language Model United Nations
VCE students studying Japanese were recently invited to partake in the annual Japanese Model UN that took place on Friday 28 July at the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership. The premise of this unique program was to practice our Japanese speaking skills by partaking in economic and international discourse related to the topic of 'Sustainable Cities' that was assigned to us this year. Nine schools participated, representing 20 countries and Nossal students were in two teams representing China and South Africa. We were to debate the merits and limitations of a number of clauses that were provided to us in the form of a Drafted Resolution which talked about topics such as each country's GNI and trade agreements between them. We were to produce a position statement for each of the countries stating which clauses were agreed on and which were disagreed with based on the current economic, cultural and political considerations of our countries. After hearing each group, we were to find allies in the groups whose positions most aligned with our point of view, and foes in those whose did not, in the end composing 'amendments' that were voted on.
Overall, it was a very successful day with the China team being able to get an amendment passed and included in the Amended Resolution. On behalf of all Nossal students who attended this event, I would like to thank Ms Kamimura, who organised the day for us and made sure we were fully prepared to participate. While it was challenging, it was a very valuable learning experience and we definitely recommend it to anyone studying VCE Japanese in the coming years.
Varshaa Rashmi Kantharaj - Year 12