IRC News

Upcoming Book Week Celebrations - 2023
The Information Resource Centre will celebrate Book Week 2023 from Monday 21 to Friday 25 August. The Book Week theme for this year is “Read, Grow, Inspire.”
Book Week has traditionally been widely celebrated at Nossal with staff and students actively participating in events with lots of excitement and enthusiasm. Numerous fun activities such as the Interhouse Spelling Bee, Interhouse Book Quiz, Creative Writing Competitions in various divisions, Musical Performances, Bollywood Dances, Henna Designing and “What Staff and Students are reading” activity have been organised.
In addition, insightful lectures will be delivered to our students by three authors visiting Nossal during the Book Week Celebrations. Our Year 9 students will have the opportunity to attend author Michael Pryor’s lecture, who has written a few inspiring fantasy novels. He will also conduct two workshops on creative writing for selected students. Alice Pung, who is one of Australia’s best authors, will deliver her lecture to all Year 10 students. Year 11 students will be given the privilege to attend a lecture with Janine Coombs, who is a Wotjoboluk woman who has taken on several significant leadership roles in her community around native title.
On the last day of Book Week, staff and students are encouraged to come in their Multicultural costumes or favourite Book character costumes and make a gold coin donation. All proceeds will go to the Cancer Council and the Heart Foundation. The celebrations will culminate with a morning tea for staff followed by a fashion parade of costumes at lunchtime. Winners will receive House Points and awards as well.
So, let’s get together and enjoy this year’s Book Week Celebrations.
Kalpana Lal
Library Coordinator