A Message from our 

Acting Principal's 

Jarryd & Laura Jane

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Deputy Principal's

Dear Families 


What a night! A huge congratulations to our 5-6 Children for their amazing performance in Wakakirri last night.  We were all incredibly proud to see them perform and experience life on the stage!  Thank you to the Wakakirri Team for your meticulous organisation and our families for your support with this special experience.  



It’s such an exciting time for us at the moment with many special events happening across our two schools.  You would have received your Out & About Booklet that details all of our major events happening during that time.  Within this booklet, you will find QR Codes for some events that will give you more information and require your permission.  We hope that this booklet keeps you informed about all of the wonderful events for our children and school community. 


Our School Performance night is a key focus for us in the coming weeks.  The children will be rehearsing in their music lessons, in their hubs and we also have two full school rehearsals planned for the end of Week 5.  All educators are supporting children with the nerves and excitement that comes with a performance. We are really looking forward to seeing our children shining on stage on Monday 14 August. 


Thank you to all the families that came along to help out, donated or bought a sausage from our Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 23 July. We would also like to thank Coles, Reservoir for their donation. Your contribution and support was much appreciated.  We are really grateful to our BBQ Captain, Laura Verna and also Enza and Lou who dedicated their Sunday to supporting our school community. Our profit from the day was $2226.  This money will be used to support our learning and teaching programs with the funds being allocated to resources and materials to enhance children’s learning. 


Parent-teacher Interviews

Our Semester Two Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place on Friday 8th September.  These 10min conversations will be offered online or at school. This is a time that our educators will discuss and celebrate your children's learning, progressions, and growth.  

If you already have had or are going to have a PSG meeting this term, this replaces the Parent-Teacher Interviews and you do not need to book. 


Booking links and times will be emailed out to you and added to the school newsletter closer to the date.


With so many school events this term, we have decided to combine our end of term and our St Stephen’s and St Gabriel’s celebration day together. We will gather together at St Stephen’s on Thursday 14 September to celebrate these two important events. We will begin the day with an Assembly and reflection at 9.15am that celebrates both St Stephen’s and St Gabriel’s.  All parents are invited to join us for this. The children will celebrate with football and soccer activities in their house groups and are invited to wear their favourite football or soccer gear.