CPS Diorama 



As part of this year's Science Week 2023 celebrations, the CPS Discovery team are hosting a whole school Diorama Competition centered around the 2023 Science Week theme: Innovation - Powering Future Industries.


What's a diorama, you ask? It's a fun and exciting way to showcase your 'innovative' ideas using a combination of art and science. In a diorama, you create a three-dimensional scene inside a shoebox or any small container. You can use various materials like craft supplies, paints, recyclable items, and (of course) your boundless imagination!


COMPETITION DATE: Wednesday 16th August 2023. Students are to bring their dioramas to the empty portable classroom (middle row of portables) between 8.45am and 9.00am on Wednesday 16th August. Classes will be invited on that day to view the entries. The winners from each category will be chosen by the student Discovery leaders and announced at our whole school assembly on Monday 21st August.Prizes will be awarded to the most creative and unique entries from grades Prep-2, 3/4 and 5/6. 


See attachment below for more information: