From the  Principal 

Karen Roberts

I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health and spirits. As we continue to navigate through our academic journey together, it is essential to take a moment to reflect on the core values that shape our wonderful school community.


At Carnegie PS, our fundamental principle is respect. We believe that cultivating a culture of respect is crucial in creating a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for everyone. Respect is not just a word; it's a way of life that we strive to instill in every aspect of our daily interactions.


Each member of our school community plays a vital role in upholding this value. From students respecting their peers, teachers, and school property, to teachers and staff showing respect for each child's unique potential and individuality, to parents and carers respecting each other with their words and responses; it takes a collective effort to create a harmonious atmosphere where everyone feels valued and heard.


A beautiful example shared with me this week from one of our staff:


“I’ve been reflecting on a phone conversation I had this week with a parent. The parent trusted our Carnegie process and made it so much easier for me to communicate a message. The interaction was extremely positive. Accepting the facts and not blaming others is an important message we instill in our students. Often as parents, we need to be reminded of this. Our children will make mistakes and that’s ok. Mistakes are what they learn from and helps them grow. Focusing on how you support your child after the fact is more valuable than trying to find fault in other children’s behaviours. It’s also another positive step towards strengthening our parent/teacher relationships and networks.”


I encourage and urge each of you to embrace the spirit of respect wholeheartedly. Let's lead by example, demonstrating empathy, kindness, and understanding in all our endeavours. By doing so, we foster an environment where learning flourishes, friendships thrive, and character is nurtured.


Let's continue to reinforce the importance of respect in our classrooms, on the playground, and beyond the school gates. Together, we can shape a future generation of compassionate, responsible, and respectful individuals who will undoubtedly make a positive impact on the world.


Thank you for being an integral part of our Carnegie PS community, and let's keep striving to uphold the core value of respect every day.

Celebrating NAPLAN Results: A Journey of Growth and Learning

The eagerly awaited NAPLAN results for our students are in, and it's time to celebrate the achievement and progress made by our young learners. These results provide valuable insights into their academic development and help guide future educational endeavours. Remember, NAPLAN is just one piece of the puzzle, not the sole indicator of success. Whether they exceeded expectations or faced challenges, let's applaud their effort and determination. Parents, teachers, and students have worked together, fostering a supportive environment for growth. Now, let's utilise these results to continue nurturing their potential, ensuring each child thrives academically and emotionally on their unique journey.

Cause for celebration….some outstanding achievement!


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Year 5


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Schools are participating in the 2023 Nationally Consistent Data Collection on School Students with Disability (Data Collection).  This national Data Collection is taking place in all schools across Australia and will provide information about the number of students with a disability in schools, where they are located and the adjustments they receive.

This Data Collection aims to gather information about how many students in schools have a health or learning condition requiring adjustments to be made to support their access to and participation in education. The data collection is not limited to students with diagnosed disabilities, and will collect valuable information about supports provided to a much wider group of students than those previously included in individually targeted disability support programs such as Students with Disabilities. 

The information provided by this data collection aims to gather information to enable all Australian governments to better target support and resources. We have undertaken this for a number of years. If you have any further questions please come and ask.


Enrolments are now being taken for 2024. It is now time for parents with school aged siblings to complete enrolment forms for our 2024 school year. If you are aware of friends, neighbours or relatives who have a child ready to start school in 2024 please let them know that enrolments are now being taken. 

The principal team are also available to answer questions or show interested parents and students around our school.


Kind Regards

Karen Roberts