Religious Education 

This weekend some of our children will begin their journey to receive their Sacrament of Eucharist/Confirmation. Over the next four weeks beginning with a Preparation Mass 6:00 pm Saturday or 11:00 am Sunday at St Mary’s Church in Colac.  

Mandy from the parish office will be away over the next two weeks and those requiring a Sacramental Pack, can obtain one from our school office at the cost of $45.  

Within the Colac Parish the Sacrament of Eucharist/Confirmation is received by the Year 3 students however, due to circumstances (holiday, change of school etc) your child may have missed the opportunity to participate. It is not uncommon for children in Years 4-6 (or older) to receive their Sacrament of Eucharist/Confirmation at this time. This is a Parish Program and a Parish Commitment and those wishing to participate or have any queries, need to contact Fr Michael at St Mary’s Parish 52312177


Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader & Wellbeing Leader