Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

As a parent of adults who are now as old as a lot of you, I am very grateful that I did not face the same challenges that today’s online environment presents to parents with pre-teens in 2023. While the online world offers so many amazing opportunities and conveniences it is a complex space where our children need to be supervised and one they need to be educated about.

An opportunity for education about the hazards of the online world will be presented to the children on Thursday of this week. Senior Constable Stephanie Ward of Colac Police will be presenting a highly credentialed program, “Think U Know” about online safety to all children at our school.

Parents are invited to join us in the Multipurpose Room on Thursday with their children and may stay to participate in a short Question and Answer session with just the adults after each session, according to the following timetable:


9:30   -  9:50  Foundation Classes

10:10 - 10:40 Gr 1 & 2 Classes

11:30 - 12:10  Gr 3 & 4 Classes

12:30 - 1:20  Gr 5 & 6 Classes


We hope to see many of you present. I will endeavour to make the sessions available to all families via our website after Thursday.


BUILDING PROGRAM I am very pleased to announce that Mr Richardson has moved his Grade 5 class into our new classroom. 

We are taking the time to thoroughly clean each of the classrooms that are being repurposed before we ask other classes to move.

Mrs Miles’ Grade 2 class will be moving down the corridor to the room Mr Richardson’s class had occupied. Mrs Doyle’s Grade 1 class will eventually be shifting to the room currently occupied by Mrs Miles’ Grade 2s and finally Miss Hayley’s Foundation class will be shifting into Mrs Doyle’s current classroom.

This will allow us to keep the class groups for each grade level as near neighbours and repurpose Miss Hayley’s room as smaller learning spaces for the support programs that we offer to individuals and small groups.

I am expecting that the whole process may take 2 or 3 weeks to complete.



Many of our Grade 3 students will officially begin their preparation to be Confirmed and receive their First Communion with this weekend’s “Presentation Masses”.

Confirmation and First Communion are celebrated at the same Mass in our parish.

These ceremonies are scheduled for the weekend of August 12 & 13.


SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY Could all parents please note that our school will be closed on Friday August 11th in order that staff undergo further training.


ReLate SURVEY In case you missed it, or as a reminder: Children have been asked to complete a short survey with their parents about how they feel about our school. These surveys are part of our school’s commitment to the ReLate Program. The link to the survey is in Julie’s Wellbeing notes on today’s newsletter.