St James School Community News

PA / School Community News

Parents Association 






We can’t wait to see who has bragging rights as the Trivia masters this Saturday at RBYC.   


Who is going to win best dressed in their best rock star outfit?


Its arrival at 7pm for trivia start-time at 7.30pm. 



Please remember to bring cash and gold coins on the night as we will be playing some fun games.


Ticket sales for the night have now closed but you can still buy raffle tickets until Friday arvo for the amazing prizes including:


1st Prize - $500 Chadstone voucher

2nd Prize - $350 Gumtree food and wine hamper

3rd Prize - $100 Mr. and Mrs. P voucher




The auction booklet was sent out via email on Monday and if you are unable to attend the event and want to put in a confidential bid in, please do so to before Friday 3pm.



Bunnings BBQ

A huge thanks to John F and Tash B for coordinating the Bunnings BBQ with the help of foundation parents.  John was there all day, and it wouldn’t have gone ahead without his hard work.  The BBQ was held on the 30th of July at Bunnings Moorabbin, and it was a huge success.  Thanks to all the parents that took a shift on the day, we could not have done it without you!!


Thanks to Rosella Foods for donating all the tomato sauce for the day, it was greatly appreciated.


School Calendar

Sending a reminder that all the key school dates are loaded into the school calendar that is found on the St James website. This can be synced with your phone/computer, so you have all the important dates in your calendar.


It is under Quick Links / Calendar:


Fathers Day Breakfast

The date to pop in your calendars for the fathers day breakfast is Friday the 1st of September. Further details to follow.


Dads Drinks

Dads and special friend’s drinks are Thursday 17th of August at 7.30pm at Brighton Hotel.


Special Friends & Grandparents Day

Please pop in the date for your calendars for the grandparents / special friends’ day on Friday the 27th of October.


Thanks, from the PA

We are very grateful for the continued support of all our parents, the school and local  community.  All our PA members are volunteers who generously give up their own time to organise our school events. 


Contributions from our fundraising efforts will be put towards many areas across the school.  Some initial ideas that have strong support from the PA group and school community are 

1) Fixing the roof at school

2) A new surface and outdoor furniture for the Tilley playground 

3) Improving school security 

3) Retractable cafe style blinds for the exterior of the undercover area so it can be used during hot or wet days.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly:


Future Calendar Dates

  • Parents night out - Saturday 5 August 2023 at Brighton Yacht Club - Ticket sales closed but raffle ticket sales still open until Friday.
  • Dad’s Catch Up - every 3rd Thursday of the month.  Next dad’s drinks booked at 7.30pm on Thursday 17 August at Hotel Brighton.
  • Grandparents and special friends’ day - Friday 27th October
  • Colour run - Friday, 10th November 2023 at Elsternwick Park
  • St James musical - 7 December - TBA
  • Dads, special friends and kids camp at Anglesea YMCA for 22-24 March 2024
  • Mother’s Day lunch - 18 May 2024 at Elwood Bathers

Parents Association Fundraiser Calendar 2023

Second Hand Uniform Shop

St James-  STAY AND PLAY - Transition Playgroup 

One of the ways that you can help your child get ready for school is to join us at one of our transition playgroup sessions.


This term we will be conducting transition playgroup sessions in the Tilley garden every second Thursday of the school term. The play sessions offer an opportunity for children to meet and play with other children as well as engage in a number of structured activities including PMP, singing, Craft, library, fine motor skills, stories, games and pre writing. 


Parent Google Calendar

The google calendar is designed for parents to keep up to date with school events.  

Please ensure that you are checking the Parent Google Calendar on a regular basis as dates are added throughout the year.


School Closure Days 2023 

Monday  27 March -Term 2 Planning

Tuesday  13 June -Term 3 Planning 

Friday  8 September -Term 4 Planning

Friday  24 November- Planning Day


2023 Term Dates

2023 term dates are as follows, but please keep in mind that they may be subject to change as each term staff have a full day dedicated to staff Professional learning and forward planning. 

Term 1   31 January (Foundation Students commence Term 1) -06 April Final Day Term 1

Each Wednesday in February Foundation Students are scheduled for  individual testing and do not attend school.  Full weeks for Foundation commence in March.

Year 1 - Year 6 commence Wednesday 01 February 2022  

(Y1-6 Student Testing 30 - 31st January) 

Term 2     24 April - 23 June     

Term 3     10 July - 15 September

Term 4      02 October - 15 December

Bell Times

Teacher supervision  8:40am - 9:00am 

First Bell  9:00am (Music begins playing at 8:55am) 

Fruit Break 10am

Morning Recess  11:00am - 11:30am 

Morning Eating Time 11:30 am -11:40 am

Lunch Eating Time 1:40pm - 1:50pm 

Afternoon Recess 1:50pm - 2.30pm

Dismissal  3:30pm 

Teacher supervision  3:30pm -3:45pm

Lunch Orders

Please note that lunch orders are made in the Star of the Sea Canteen next to St James. 

Lunch Orders will NOT be availabe on the below dates due to scheduled school closure days at Star of the Sea:

  • August 9th
  • August 10th
  • August 11th
  • August 14th

2023 Lunch Order Menu

NB  some items are only served on certain days

Details on how to set up your Flexischools account for online ordering. 


Community Notices






Art Smart

Professional Afterschool Art Program now running at St James.

 - Seniors (grade 3+) 3.40-5pm Monday

- Juniors (prep-grade 2) 3.40-5pm Tuesday 

To enrol for a session book here:














Chess registrations for next term are now open. Classes  commence in 

Week 2 of Term 3.


PH: 0423 144 682





Taekwondo @ St James

fitness, fun, family, discipline, resiliance, techniques      


Hi Everyone,

More Fitness, fun and martial art skills.

TAEKWONDO is held in the Hall 3.45-4.45pm both Monday and Wednesday.


If you would like to try this sport, just give us a call for your free trial.

Remember your snack and water bottle.


Sign up a friend and receive a free T-shirt for yourself and your friend.


Yours in Taekwondo,


Sophia and the FX Team. 

Ph 0419876187 
