St James Executive Leadership 

Principal and Deputy Principal News 

Principal News


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to the month of August.  Spring is most definitely in the air and it is lovely to commence seeing blossoms on trees and the days becoming longer and warmer!  The term has started well and there are many student and school community activities that have been organised to provide opportunities to further strengthen school family partnerships.  Thank you to each and every one of you for supporting the staff and your children to make St James the welcoming school that it is.


Prep 100 Days

On Monday the Preps celebrated 100 days of Prep.  It was a lovely day to recognise this important milestone in their lives.  

Do you remember your 100th day of Prep?


Thank you Bridie and Sharon for travelling on this journey with the prep students.  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all as parents for entrusting your children to the staff at St James and for choosing St James Catholic Primary school as your school and community.  The prep students were fortunate to participate in a lovely celebratory lunch. Thanks to all the parent helpers for making this possible.


Staffing Update

Mr Aidan Niarros has been on leave since the beginning of the term.  Mr Brendan Campbell and Ms Lisa Featherstone have been teaching his class during this time.  We thank Brendan and Lisa for all their work in Year 6.  We look forward to welcoming Aidan back on Monday.  Mrs Angela Franich has also been on leave. During her time away, Mrs Ann Nicola has been filling in for her in the library.  We look forward to welcoming Ange back on Tuesday of next week.  Sadly we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Ann Nicola who commences extended leave next week.  We will have the opportunity to farewell Ann and thank her for all of her work at the assembly next Friday afternoon.


The Feast of St James

On Tuesday 25th of July, the school celebrated the Feast Day of St James, our school patron saint.  The students participated in a variety of class activities and then shared a sausage sizzle lunch followed by an iceypole.  We ended the day with a school liturgy at 2.45pm in the school hall.  It was a great way to gather and celebrate who we are as a school and community.  


At the end of the liturgy I shared with the students that in the spirit of St James, going out and showing who we are as a school and community, we will be developing a school prayer.  Staff and students are currently in the planning stages of gathering ideas for our new school prayer.


Another new and exciting piece of news shared with the students, was the creation of a school mascot for St James.  As I shared with the students, the school mascot has yet to be named.  In the weeks ahead I will be sharing a school mascot suggested name, Google form.  All families will be invited to share their ideas.


Here is the St James School Mascot.


It has been designed to represent the scallop shell found on our St James school logo.  The shell mascot represents a journey.  A journey that all families who enrol at St James commence.  This journey is representative of the journey that St James the Apostle walked during his life, and that pilgrims continue in present day life by walking the Camino de Santiago.


Personal reflection:  As every day pilgrims, how do you follow in the footsteps of St James? 



Newsletter Feedback

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback to help us review the look and purpose of our school newsletter.  Please find the results below of our review.  

In order of preference from the above results, the items you most look for in the newsletter are: 

  • Key Dates
  • Information on school events that are upcoming
  • Class News
  • information on events in the community that have happened. 
  • Information about curriculum


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

On Sunday the parents in Prep held a most successful Bunnings sausage sizzle.  Thank you to John and Tash for organising this great community fundraising event and a big shout out and thank you to all the amazing volunteers who cooked and served up a storm!  They raised over $1700 which will be used to purchase play equipment for the Tilley Yard.   


2024 - Student Enrolment Form - Changing Schools

As we begin to plan for 2024, can I ask that families with students currently enrolled in Prep - Year 5 who will be changing schools for the 2024 school year complete the form shared earlier this week by Friday, 4th August.  To access and complete the form click here.


St James School Vision and School Priorities (Post Review)

Last year the school participated in our school review.  Following the review we received a report including recommendations for forward planning.  We have met as a Leadership team and in consultation with staff and MACS consultants have set our new school priorities for continuous improvement for the next four years.  (Please see the attached information).


Prep 2024 Enroments Closing Soon

Can I kindly ask that current families with a child due to commence Prep in 2024 submit their completed enrolment forms so additional places can be offered to new families.

Thank you!



Term 3 School Tour Dates



COVID-19 Safety at School (Updated protocols)


St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal)

Please click here to access the School Portal




Working With Children Checks

St James is a Child Safe School.  As part of our Child Safe practices and processes we are required to maintain up to date information of parents and volunteers who hold a current (Working With Children Check) and would like to assist with a school activity.


If you currently hold a WWCC and intend on helping out with school activities in the near or not too distant future, can you please fill in the attached Google Form.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact School Admin on 


Please update your information on the following WWCC Google Form  if you have renewed or attained your WWCC.


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 



School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio 



Deputy Principal News


Hello Everyone,


Please find listed below key dates for the remainder of Term 3:


Emma Herbert and Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principals

Term 3 Key Dates:

  • Thursday and Friday 3rd and 4th August-Year 3/4 Camp to Narmbool
  • Saturday 5th August- STJPA Trivia Night at The Royal Brighton Yacht Club at 7pm
  • Tuesday 8th August- Middle Hoop Time(all students in Year 3/4)
  • Wednesday 9th August- Eucharist Reflection Day
  • Thursday 10th August- Stay and Play Session #3 9.15-10am in the library
  • Friday 11th August- Assembly #3 2.45pm in the hall
  • Monday 14th August-Friday 18th August- Science Week- various activities TBC
  • Monday 14th August- Year 5 and 6 STEM MAD exhibition in the hall @2.45pm
  • Monday 21st- Friday 25th August Book Week
  • Thursday 24th August- Stay and Play Session #4 9.15-10am in the library
  • Friday 25th August- Book Week Parade 9.30am
  • Friday 25th August Assembly #4 2.45pm in the hall
  • Friday 1st September- Fathers Day Breakfast in the Tilley Garden 8-8.14am
  • Friday 1st September- Holt Athletics Carnival (invited students only)
  • Thursday 7th September- Stay and Play Session #5 9.15-10am in the library
  • Thursday 7th September Assembly #5 @ 2.45pm in the hall
  • Friday 8th September School Closure day Term 4 Planning
  • *New Event* Tuesday 12th September 5pm- Music Soiree for individual music students and lead roles in Seussical 
  • Wednesday 13th September RUOK? Day
  • Thursday 14th September Footy Colours Day
  • Friday 15th September end of term- early school finish at 1.30pm