Religious Education
Michelle Hinds
'How powerful prayer is! May we never lose the courage to say:
Lord, give us your peace'.
Pope Francis
Religious Education
Michelle Hinds
'How powerful prayer is! May we never lose the courage to say:
Lord, give us your peace'.
Pope Francis
At St Therese's, prayer plays a crucial part in our faith formation, both as staff and students. We learn and teach about the Catholic tradition and symbolism of prayer as well as share how prayer is celebrated in other faiths too. There are greater similarities than there are differences about prayer across the many different faiths our students and their families share at our school. This is to be celebrated!
Pope Francis shares his wisdom about prayer which is so important in our contemporary society: In the face of so many wounds that hurt us and could lead to a hardness of heart, we are called to dive into the sea of prayer, which is the sea of the boundless love of God, in order to experience his tenderness.
Pope Francis continues to remind us that prayer is needed. It is prayer that is courageous, struggling and persevering, not prayer that is a mere formality. We need and teach our students about the authenticity of prayer and that it is an opportunity to become closer to our God, both in good times and those times that challenge us.
At St Therese's, we have introduced Prayer Journals and the staff have been using these at our Staff Meetings to journey through faith formation. The Senior teachers have taken this tool and introduced it with the students too, who are embracing this new method for prayer time and contemplation.
Prayer boxes are also being re-introduced throughout the school for students to use and take home to share with their families. I invite families to take the opportunity to use them to pray with your children.
Please find attached, the Sacramental Timetable for 2023. Please check this to forward plan for the Sacraments of First Eucharist & Confirmation your child/ren may be receiving in 2023.
We will be celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, a holy day of obligation, with a Whole School Mass on Tuesday 15th August at 12:30p.m in our school hall. I would like to extend an invitation to our school community to join us. Hope to see you there.
Remain prayerful and courageous.
Michelle Hinds