Literacy News

Mrs Elise Rimington

Book Week!


Calling all Superheroes, Wizards and Witches, Pirates and Princesses, Grinches and Gruffalos, Mermaids and Wallys!


We are excited to announce the date for our Book Week Parade on 

Wednesday 23rd August from 9am in the Hub

We invite you to join in the fun and come dressed as your favourite book character! We need colour, sequins, hat, wigs and wands, cloaks and capes to dazzle and delight as we dance, sing and celebrate our love of books!


During Book Week, the following events will take place:


Monday 21st August : Mr Herbison to read her favourite book to the whole school

Wednesday 23rd August: Book Week Parade

Thursday 24th August: Buddy Books - Students bring their FAVOURITE book and classes get together with their buddy grade to share with a friend


All classes will partake in shortlisted book activities throughout Book Week.