What's happening in our 

learning communities?

Presented by  Year 1 Classes


Earlier this term the children in Year 1 embarked on an adventure that took them up into the Adelaide Hills. Their destination was the Birdwood Motor Museum. The children were all very excited although the windy road tested the resolve of some. The children spent part of the day exploring the museum and trying to find the model cars hidden amongst the real ones. The rooms were filled with the ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ of children amazed by the cars and motorbikes on display and the squeals of excitement as they spotted one of the hidden models. 

The children also discovered the history of the Hawker Vans. The Hawkers were mobile salesmen who travelled from place to place to sell goods. The children were fascinated by the Hawker Vans on display and could not believe how many different items they carried with them. They also enjoyed being able to interact with the model Hawker Vans. A particular highlight was trying to hide the money pouch so that no one could find it.

A special thank you to the parents that came along and helped us on our adventure.


We looked at number plates. We looked at the old cars. – Alyssa

We played some games – Zeus and Yasameen

We searched for coloured cars, ticked them off and recorded their number – Elissa

We learnt about Hawker Vans and their stories – Olivia and Karanjot

We saw lots of different cars. Some were new and some were old. I liked the sparkly car. – Kavya

I liked finding the small cars. Some were in the cars, and some were on the roof. – Hannah

We saw the first car built. – Daniel L

We ran around on the grass and went in the cave – Yana



Amy Agnew and Campbell Burton

Year 1 Teachers