Year 5/6

During Reading in Term 2, our Grade 5/6 learners investigated a range of topics. They investigated Tier 2 vocabulary associated with our class novel, Bridge to Terabithia, using Frayer models and learning about synonyms, antonyms, and student-friendly definitions.
They analysed and explained the structure and language features of different text-types, including realistic fiction, fables and more. Later in the term, students have learned to summarise fiction texts using the 5 W’s and 1 H strategy and turning this into a concise written summary paragraph. Finally, students have learned to summarise non-fiction texts using the gist strategy to identify the most pertinent information in the text. It has been pleasing to see students’ growth in Reading this semester. Congratulations, Grade 5/6 learners!
During writing in Term 2, the students in grade 5/6 began with a focus on narrative texts in writing. They covered key areas such as paragraphing, punctuation, cohesive ties and the general structural features of narrative texts. The students generated ideas for writing, using their writers’ notebooks and immersing themselves in quality narrative mentor texts. Recently, grade 5/6 students moved onto learning how to write information reports. They are currently focusing on the language features and structure of information reports. The students are learning to use precise technical and subject specific vocabulary in their information reports. All students are aiming to create a final information report around a subject of their choosing.
In Mathematics this term, the grade 5/6 students began by learning how to measure right, acute and obtuse angles using informal and formal measuring tools. Following this, they learnt how to transform shapes, focusing on rotations, reflections, and enlargements, and worked on identifying line and rotational symmetry. The major unit this term was multiplication and division. Our learners investigated efficient mental and written strategies (including the area model, split strategy and vertical algorithm) to solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems in a problem-solving context. They then focused on finding the area of regular and irregular rectangles, applying the strategies learnt during our multiplication unit. The grade 5/6 students then ended the term with a focus solving problems that had a focus on volume.
This term Grade 5/6 had the opportunity to investigate a number of the planets in our solar system and understand what sort of conditions exist on their surfaces. Students investigated Mercury, Mars and Earth, researching their size, composition, naming, temperature and location in relation to the Sun and built a 3D model of these planetary bodies called an orrery. After a successful term 2, it’s time for a well-deserved break. Enjoy the holidays!
LOTE – Chinese
During Term 2 in Chinese, Grade 5/6s learned about animal-pets’ topic, and they got chance to study a moving story “Mum’s gift” in Chinese in the classroom. Through the store they also have learnt some key words and expressions useful in their daily lives. Students have explored a few popular pets in Australia by doing a pet project on iPad and handed it in their google classrooms.
From Term1 they have good knowledge of Chinese zodiac especially 4 animal signs relate to their birth years. In Term2 Grade 5/6s continued to learn their birthdays in Chinese order which is year, month and day rather than day, month and year in English.
Well done on another great Term, Grade 5/6s!
Term two has been all about colour theory, and the students have been experimenting with paint, and colour in the art room! We started the term using warm and cool colours, designing bright and bold designs to demonstrate knowledge. The students have also been learning the art of Printmaking - using leaves and paint in autumn tones and hues. Warm and cool colours play a vital role when designing, and particularly when painting to create a sense of colour, contrast and emotion in the artworks.
The Grade 5/6 students have been working with monochromatic colour this semester, and they are now applying this knowledge and replicating Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”. Starry Night uses monochromatic tones of blue and deep yellow, and uses techniques that depict the artists mood and emotions when he painted this artwork. Knowledge of colour is important to consolidate at a grade 5/6 level, to understand how colours and technique work together. The students are currently sketching the outline of Starry Night and will then add colour.
The students have been working with mediums; such as acrylic, watercolours, glue, chalk and pastel and are learning new techniques.
I look forward to more fun in the art room next Term with the grades 5 and 6 students.
This was a busy term for the grade 5/6 students with interschool netball, tee-ball and cross-country taking place. The students who represented the school at these events did a tremendous job with several winners in the regional cross-country race and our girls netball team winning the lightning premiership. Congratulations and well done to all those students and teachers involved!
For term 2 students began with basketball, grade 5/6 students took a games-based approach, and all participated in 3 v 3 games. The aim of this was to get students to understand rules and think about strategies to solves problems during these games. During this unit students continued to develop their skills for the game of basketball which include shooting, dribbling, and passing. After completing this unit students in grade 5/6 worked on the different events that occur in an athletics carnival, they included, sprints, long distance, discus, shot-put, hurdles and relay races. Students learnt correct techniques for all these events and were able to showcase them in various activities. This term was so much fun which plenty of opportunities for the 5/6 students in interschool sports. I am looking forward to many more sports next term and to keep working with each student to develop their skills in physical education.