Year 1

During Term 2, students learnt how good readers ask questions before, during and after reading to help them make meaning from a text. They had the opportunity to write or orally say any questions they had about texts. This helped to strengthen their understanding of the text and to look for answers in their reading. They learnt about new vocabulary and strategies to help clarify unfamiliar words in a text, such as technical words e.g. hatch, scales, diet, mammal.
Students continued to focus on retelling fiction and non-fiction texts to strengthen their understanding of this comprehension skill. When reading non-fiction texts, students explored the different structures and features eg. headings & subheadings, contents page, glossary, pictures/diagrams and captions.
Students continued to work on fluency, word solving strategies and the phonological awareness skills of blending, segmenting and manipulating the sounds in words to read and process texts.
Grade 1 students started the Term 2 looking at Information Reports. Students learnt that information reports contain facts about a specific topic. They were also introduced to the structure of an information report such as title, classification, facts and diagrams.
Students were given multiple opportunities to learn new information about different topics and were supported through the writing process. They made a number of booklets where they recorded facts about different topics and added diagrams to match. Towards the end of Term 2, students spent a few weeks looking at Procedural Texts. Students participated in a range of procedures and then worked together to write them up. They learnt to understand that procedural texts include a title, goal, materials and steps.
Grade 1 students learnt about Money and had the opportunity to explore the variety of Australian coins we use in everyday life. They were introduced to the names and the features of the Australian coins. Students then learnt about Addition & Subtraction and Length. During the Length lessons, students were shown how to use informal units to measure objects around the classroom. The Addition & Subtraction unit taught students a variety of different strategies such as; count all, count on, and known facts to solve simple addition and subtraction problems and scenarios.
The last few weeks of Term 2, we focused on different 2D shapes and their features, such as the number of sides and corners on each one.
Counting was also an ongoing focus throughout the term, with students working on individual counting goals which they practiced with a ‘maths mate’.
Throughout Term 2, the Grade 1 students have been developing their understanding of water as one of Earth’s natural resources.
The Grade 1s have been practicing their observation and recording skills whilst learning about the effects of water on different surfaces around the school. They have explored the many water sources within the school environment and have identified the varied reasons our school uses water. The Grade 1s have been learning about the journey that water goes through from a source, such as rivers and reservoirs, to its point of use - the tap. One of the main focuses this term has been for students to understand that water is one of Earth’s resource and that it needs to be used responsibly.
LOTE - Chinese
Well done Grade 1, you nailed your Chinese class this term. In this term, we repeated the numbers from 1 to 10 in every single Chinese class. We also learned greetings including: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, and good night. After this, we learned how to pronounce four seasons in Chinese, and we also made four season trees, by colouring and decorating them. Then we learned how to pronounce family members, such as dad, mum, siblings, grandmother and grandfather in Chinese.
The Year 1s have had an excellent second term of learning in Art, exploring and deepening their knowledge of colour and line. We began with activities that challenged us to create outside our usual comfort zones. For example, timed drawing and drawing with our non-favourite hand. We then observed various representations of hands in art, from World Heritage Site Cueva de las Manos (Cave of the Hands) in Argentina, to contemporary photography and video works by Spinifex Arts Project in Tjuntjuntjara. Sufficiently inspired, we drew our own hands, forming clay sculptures from our sketches. Following this, we learnt about how charcoal is made and several techniques for working with charcoal. After practicing the techniques using different types of charcoal, we incorporated them into original designs.
The Year 1s have had some wonderful discussions, analysing and comparing qualities in artworks, as well as developing their ideas about what art is, and why we make it. The Year 1s have also begun a self-portraiture project which they will complete next term. This term will finish up with students viewing the digital paintings of David Hockney and utilising art application Brushes Redux to emulate his process. The students’ ongoing enthusiasm, motivation, imagination and focus have been exceptional, and I cannot wait to return to the art room next semester!
This term the grade 1 students have continued to build on their introduction to the fundamental motor skills of throwing and catching. Students during term 2 have developed their fundamental motor skills of throwing, catching, and bouncing a ball. Basketball was the sport used to showcase these skills and allowed an introduction to the sport. They have learnt how to throw a chest pass, bounce pass, and catch a ball with two hands all using a basketball.
Students have also incorporated a ball bounce in additional to the throwing and catching work. Students in grade 1 are now on the path to developing skills to be able to play the sport of basketball. During the second half of the term students have completed work on the fundamental skill of running as it applies to athletics. Students can now apply correct running form and use both their arms and legs to run. Grade 1 students have participated in class games to demonstrate their running form which include the traffic light game and the treasure seeker game. This term has been a very productive one with large amounts of learning taking place. We all had such a great time this term and I am looking forward to the second half of the year working with grade 1.