School Calendar
School Calendar
Monday 11th July | Term 3 Starts | |
Tuesday 12th July | Review Feedback | |
Thursday 14th July | Last day to place a pie order | |
Tuesday 26th July | Whole School Mass - Grandparent's day | 9:00 AM |
Thursday 21st July | Pie orders delivered | |
Thursday 21st July | Ladies Night - Mona Castle | 7:30PM |
Friday 29th July | Parent Social Night | 7:00 PM - 11:00PM |
Monday 8th August | Feast of Mary MacKillop Mass | 9:00 AM |
Monday 15th August | Feast of the Assumption Mass | 9:00 AM |
Thursday 25th August | St Augustine Feast Day Mass - Whole School | 9:00 AM |
Friday 26th August | Feast of St Augustine - Tabloid Sports Day | |
Sunday 28th August | Sacrament of First Holy Communion | 2:00 PM |
Thursday 1st September | Fathers Day Stall | 7:30 PM |
Friday 2nd September | Fathers Day Breakfast | |
Thursday 15th September | Italian Day - La Festa Italiana | |
Thursday 15th September | Term 3 Ends | 3:15 PM |
Friday 16th September | School Closure - Curriculum Day - Planning for Term 4 |
Monday 3rd October | Term 4 Starts | |
Monday 17th October - Friday 28th October | Prep - 4 Swimming Program | |
Thursday 20th October | Dads Catch up #5 - Railway Hotel | 7:30 PM |
Tuesday 25th October | Mission Week - Whole School Mass | 9:00 AM |
Tuesday 1st November | Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday | |
Friday 4th November | Sacrament of Confirmation | 7:00 PM |
Monday 14th - Friday 18th November | School Concert Week | |
Thursday 17th November | Matinee Concert Performance - Dress Rehearsal | |
Thursday 17th November | School Concert Performance | 7:00 PM |
Tuesday 22nd November | Prep 2023 Orientation Day 1 | |
Wednesday 23rd- Friday 25th November | Year 3/4 Camp - Portsea | |
Tuesday 29th November | Prep 2023 Orientation Day 2 | |
Tuesday 6th December | Prep 2023 Orientation Day 3 | |
Wednesday 7th - Friday 9th December | Year 5/6 Camp -Phillip Island | |
Thursday 8th December | Dads Catch up #3 - Railway Hotel | 7:30 PM |
Friday 9th December | Reports sent home | |
Tuesday 13th December | Prep 2023 Orientation Day 4 | |
Tuesday 13th December | Step up Day | |
Thursday 15th December | End of Year Mass | 9:00 AM |
Thursday 15th December | Year 6 Graduation | 7:00 PM |
Friday 16th December | Term 4 Ends | 3:15 PM |
Monday 19th December | School Closure Day - Planning for 2023 | |
Tuesday 20th December | Clean up , Delivery of supplies for 2023 - School office closes for the year |