Classroom & Curriculum News

National Reconciliation Week - Be Brave Make Change - Colouring Competition Winners
The students did an amazing job with the colouring competition. I had the difficult task of selecting the winners from each class because everyone put in their best effort. students in Prep to 2 won a packet of skin tone colour crayons. Students in Three to 6 won a packet of skin tone colour pencils. The winners from each class were:
Prep - Zara
1/2 J - Klaudia
1/2 L - Esther
3/4 M - James & Xavier
3/4 WS - Zali
5/6 B - Charlotte
5/6 MK - Antonio
Year 4 Experience Excursion at Emmanuel College
On the 7th of June Year 4 students visited Emmanuel College and participated in a range of fun activities. They experienced a PE, Art and Science lesson at the college. Here are some photos from our time there.
School Assemblies
Monday 20th June
Congratulations to all our Award Winners.
Year 3/4 Showcase of our Endangered Animal Project
This week the Year 3/4 students shared their Endangered Animal Projects with the school and then with their parents on Wednesday afternoon. All the students worked very hard to research their animal, find out why their animal is endangered and some fun facts about their animal. Well done on an amazing effort to all the students ( and to the mums and dads) Thanks to the awesome amount of parents and families who came to visit the classrooms too. It was so great to see our classrooms full of parents and students sharing their learning.
Wishing all students and their families a restful and safe 2 week break.
Thank you for all you have done to support your child and us as their teachers.
Take care and many thanks,
Isabelle, Belinda and Michele
Students vs Teachers
On Thursday afternoon we held our traditional end of term students vs teachers sport game. This term it was Dodgeball. The students had numbers, speed and agility. The teachers had strategy and experience. After three rounds the staff prevailed two to one.
Yr 1/2 Minibeast Expo
Towards the end of this term, the Yr 1/2 wrote narratives using a chosen minibeast as their main character. It was great to see the students demonstrate their learning of narrative writing from the term when completing these. They presented these stories to their class and created a diorama showing a 'scene' from their stories. These were set up in the treehouse room during our Learning Conversations and it was great to see many parents walk through and take a look. The rest of the school were also invited to come along and see our dioramas and listen to our stories. We are extremely proud of all the students and all they have achieved this term. We wish everyone a wonderful break and see you all in Term 3!
Jess & Natalie
Many thanks to all families who contributed to the Winter Warmer Appeal this year. We managed to collect so much food, winter clothing and blankets that the shelves at the
St Vincent de Paul Centre are filled and well stocked for now. The staff pass on their sincerest thanks and gratitude to all St Augustine families for their generosity.
This is one small way that TOGETHER, we can help those in need in our local community.
Thank you to the Social Justice Student Group for their organisation with collecting baskets and advertising the Winter Warmer Appeal. Their assistance and dedication to helping make a difference was outstanding. A BIG SHOUT OUT out to Amity, Louis, Matisse, Fraser, Conor and Charlotte for their amazing leadership and enthusiasm to help others.
Special thank to the Vu Family: Jenny and Duy ( Nora in 1/2J) for their very generous donation of about 30 coats and puffer vests. Some items have already been distributed to people who need a warm jacket along with a food hamper.
In the words of St Mary Mackillop of the Cross and our dear Sr Jeanne 'Never see a need without doing something about it" and St Augustine's have certainly stepped up and provided some basic necessities for our most vulnerable members of our Yarraville community this winter.
Many thanks,
Michele Witchell