Opal 1 Community
All things Wellbeing!
During Term 2 the students in Opal 1 investigated the topic of Wellbeing for Inquiry. There was lots of learning done about what Wellbeing is and the different ways that we can improve the Wellbeing of ourselves and others. Our students took a particular interest in learning more about physical activity and how it improves our overall Wellbeing. Our students learnt that not only is there a physical benefit to your bodies when doing physical activities, it also positively impacts our mental health.
After conducting our learning on the topic, students put their learning into action where in small groups they explored different physical activities. Our students created posters that described both how to do their particular activity as well as the benefits that the activity has on our bodies. Some of the activities included kicking, throwing, ball handling, stretching and aiming.
The most exciting part of the learning process was at the end when the students partnered up with prep students from Amethyst community and taught them all of the learning they had done for their physical activity.
The Opal 1 students did an incredible job being lead learners and fun was had by all!